Poetry from other people (part 100)

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We made it to 100 guys. And as you know I do shout outs every 25 chapters for other people who write poetry. So let's get to it.


First we have "Everything I never said" by @feliciang and here is one of my favorites

To listen,
It is the first step of learning.

To learn,
It is the act of opening, the act of developing.

And world peace,
Listening, communicating, and as one, it is achievable.

So, listen.
Listen first, understand, and reply wisely. For communication itself, is the base of everything.

It links you and I. It links us. It links everyone.

So listen.

That was one of my favs so go check the rest of the book out.


Next we have "Spoken Word Poems" by @phansfowlercrown there are only 2 parts but they're both good, check it out.


Then we have "Black Is Not Sad Black Is Poetic" by @RuthLovemeh there's some good stuff in their so go check it out.


Finally we have "Black Roses" by AngelRose180 and here's one of my favs

I was terrified of the dark

So the darkness I became

I was scared of my own demons

So I learned them by name

I was fearful of the monsters

So I became a monster too

I was frightened by a ghost haunting me

Until I found out it was you

From- be the fire

Go check the book out plz it's really good.


So make sure to check out all the books above.
And don't forget to check my books out to.

Plz vote and comment on this and other books of mine.

Thx and Peace out ✌️

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