Should've, Could've, Would've

42 9 16

I should've, could've, would've
Done something about that day
If only I had known it ended this way.
I am not proud to tell you
How I stood there and watched
He was so big and scary
Was all that I thought

I couldn't, wouldn't, shouldn't
Get involved at all
I say to myself
It's none of my business
As I turn and walk down the hall

I hear in the news
'Bout this kid who had died
It tells of his woe;
The day of his suicide

They talk about how he locked himself inside of his room
All to have shot himself to forget all the pain

Now as I walk through my school
I hear the laughter
But see the fear
In their eyes plainly after
And I know what their thought could easily be
They think to themselves "what if it was me"

I could've done something
I could've told someone
I would've if I hadn't been so afraid

Now I stand here promising
If I ever see
This scary and sad sight again
I will change my should've, would've, could've
Into have, done, and did

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