Story 11

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The girls mother had long, straight red hair. Complemented with emerald eyes. Her teeth, her perfectly straight teeth, where white and in the right lighting almost sparkled. 

Her mother used to sing to her when she's sad. 

Like that night.

Her mother was holding her, as she was singing to her daughter. 

"You are my sunshine my only sunshine" 

The girl giggled, taking her mothers hand into her own.

"You make me happy when skies are gray." 

The window just to the left of them shattered and terrified the girl.

Her mother happily looked her daughter, ignoring the screaming from outside. Pounding on the door began.

"You'll never know, dear, how much I love you,"

The mother pushed back the girls hair and tucked a small strand behind her ear. 

 Three of the men broke the lock on the front door and swung it open. The girl screamed. The mother glanced at the men as the come over.

Where they going to hurt her? Was she in danger? What about her mother? No other thoughts could fully be processed before One man lifted the young girl and took her away from her mother. The girl held on to her mothers hand, the mother stood, to go with the man who took her daughter, but the other two men blocked her path. The tips of their fingertips touched, and then they were separated for forever. With her hand still extended and a tear dripping down her cheek, the mother sang in a steady voice.

"Please don't take my sunshine away."

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