"Liar! The both of you were being too serious to be talking about that! And I do too have a love life!" Draco ranted, opening a compartment closer to the back, revealing Pansy and Blaise.

"Since when did you have a love life?" Was Blaise's question, earning himself a glare, though it didn't bother him since he was used to the blonde's glares.

Both of us settled into the compartment, Draco and I taking the seats across from the other two.

"So what did you do over the summer, Harry? Your letters were very vague and you never came to visit." Pansy frowned slightly, looking up at me.

"Oh, Remus and I practiced the use of muggle weapons. Mainly swords, though. I also got some practice in with those daggers you got me, Blaise." I looked over at the mentioned boy, and received a tiny smile. 'Not a lie, but not the whole truth. While we did work with swords, I focused more on the dark arts and worked more with my wandless and wordless magic. Along with that I made plans for this year; a few different ones in case Lucius had given away the diary. They really don't need to know that though.'

"That's it? And you still didn't come visit or write more in your letters?" Draco asked, sadness in his eyes. I gave a frown in response.

"I apologize. I wasn't sure what to write in my letters, and I was not... I wasn't sure on what to do if I were to go and visit. I've never..." I let out a sigh, shaking my head with a small smile.

"Never what, Harry?" Pansy gently questioned.

"Nothing, it isn't important. I'll visit and write more next time." 'It's not like I haven't had friends before, but in this time, I haven't. And really the only 'friend's' house I have been to is the Burrow. And that's not the same at all. They weren't truly my friends, aside from the twins. Plus, I never wrote much to Granger or Weasley either. It's not like I could say much, they wouldn't have done anything or could do anything.' I gave a soft sigh, not seeing the worried expressions of the three others in the compartment. The subject was dropped and we eased into better topics, before reaching Hogwarts thirty minutes later. 'I wonder if Weasley still missed the train?'

We were just about to enter the Great Hall when Dumbledore stopped us.

"Harry, if I could have a quick moment of your time?" His eyes twinkled, and I had the urge to tell him to fuck off. Reeling in my emotions, I turned to look at the others who all held curious expressions.

"You can just tell me here. I am sure you wouldn't mind if my friends hear what you have to say as well." I saw the slight irritation in his gaze, though it was well hidden by a smile.

"Of course. I simply wished to ask you to meet me in my office tomorrow after breakfast." I held back a sigh.

"Very well." I turned and walked away, not wanting to say anything else.

We sat where we usually do, Draco to my left and Blaise in front of Draco, Pansy in front of me. Professor McGonagall walked in, the first years filing behind her, and the hat began to sing. It took about thirty minutes for all of them to be sorted into their houses, and another five minutes for Dumbledore to give his speech before we were aloud to eat.

"So how do you think this year will go? Hopefully smoothly." Pansy spoke, sipping on a glass of water. Draco was about to answer when an owl flew in, dropping a bright red envelope on top of Weasley's plate. 'That answers my earlier question, at least.' I felt a smirk slowly form across my lips as Weasley paled, watching the envelope float up in front of his face. The loud voice of his mom filling up the silent hall, before the envelope fell silent once again. The Slytherin table erupted in laughter, Draco and I just watching in silent amusement as Granger tried to cheer the red head up.

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