Chapter One

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Disclaimer; I do not own Harry Potter

I waved, watching as Remus disapparated from Kings Cross. Today the train is departing, and I begin my second year of Hogwarts; the year of the Chamber of Secrets. Of course, the entire thing can be avoided. I had avoided the bookstore all together, not wanting to run into Gilderoy Lockhart. Shifting my gaze from the spot Remus had been in, I look around the platform. 'Where are the Malfoys... ah there they are.' Calmly walking through the crowd of people, ignoring the probing gazes, I paused a few feet behind Draco. 'How do I bring up the diary to Lucius without making him suspicious of me? I could pretend that I occasionally have visions of the future when I sleep. But he will just go tell Voldemort, and I don't think he would take kindly to being lied to. However, I don't really have any other option if I want to avoid the basilisk rampaging through the school. Plus-'

My musings were stopped by a subtle shifting beside Lucius, and I realized Dobby was standing there. A sudden pain in my chest, as though a knife was run through it, came and I took a steadying breath. The first time we met, he was trying to keep me from going to Hogwarts. He didn't do that this time, so that can be a good thing. I moved my gaze from Dobby and settled on Lucius, who was already gazing at me with curious eyes. I tilted my head to the side very slightly, before moving away from the other two Malfoys. 'Technically one Malfoy, but Narcissa might as well be considered a Malfoy regardless of if she holds the last name or not. After all, it's only a name.' I nearly smiled when he excused himself before walking over to meet me.

"For whatever reason are you asking to speak with me away from the others?" He had an eyebrow slightly raised, though the rest of his face held a blank mask.

"I wanted to enquire about a diary," I spoke simply, not wanting to give anything away.

"A diary?" Ah, there's the suspicion, along with weary caution.

"Yes. I had a strange dream last night that you gave a redhead a plain old diary while in the bookstore. I wanted to make sure you still had it, and didn't actually give it to her." My lips twitched into a miniscule smile, in an attempt to show I mean no harm and that it was a simple question. Though there's nothing simple about a horcrux.

"And why should I tell you, Harry? For all I know you could be someone under a polyjuice." His eyes narrowed slightly, and I held back a sigh.

"Because I know that, whatever this diary is, it was cause Hogwarts to be nearly shut down because it will put all the students in danger. Including Draco and myself." 'Not that Severus or I would let anyone or anything harm Draco.' I could practically see the thoughts churning in his head, and the moment he came to a decision.

"I still have the diary. I didn't plan to give it to anyone, since he is now back. How did you know all that though?" He inquired, as we began walking back towards Draco and Narcissa. It was nearly time for the train to leave.

"Like I said, I had a dream." Was all I said, before tapping Draco on the shoulder with a small smile. 'I know that he will tell Voldie what just happened. My next steps will have to be taken carefully.' At the sound of the train's horn going off, Draco said his goodbyes before tugging me along towards it.

"So what was that all about?" He asked as we boarded the train.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Draco turned his head enough to glare at me.

"Oh come on, Harry, what were you talking to my dad about?"

"Ooh well why didn't you just say that's what you were asking about?" I gave a small smirk, "we were talking about your lack of a love life, Draco." My smirk grew at the sound of his spluttering.

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