Chapter 6

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The morning had flew by quickly. Caden and I didn't have the same  class after break but we knew where to meet up for lunch.

We hardly ever ate in the cafeteria.

We had a private spot behind the chemistry lab where there were several over grown boulders that formed a nice little cozy spot where the grass was soft and green.  We often ate there.

I arrived there to see Caden  leaning back on one of the rocks,  a plate with cookies in his lap, sitting on his school bag.

He was munching on one of said cookies. I spread my rag and stooped before  sitting down on the grass also. Crossing my legs Indian style in front of him grabbing the plate of cookies. There were only a few left, he had been munching a while.

I took out two sandwiches passing him one and a soda.

He smiled thanks. This was our routine. We always packed each other something. Him often a fruit as when his parents were around he wasn't really allowed breakfast as he was supposed to be fasting they claimed.

"So?" I mumbled around a cookie forgetting my sandwich.

He rolled his eyes at me.

"Spill!" he said glaring at me.

I refrained trying to play innocent .

He sent me a glare "don't make me tickle you."

"You don't play fair dear old Caden," I said chuckling. He knew I hated being tickled.

"Fine he took my phone."

"More." Caden said waiting patiently eating his sandwich.

Hence I went on to tell him everything that happened yesterday from the time my father arrived to the time I went to sleep leaving out some of the finer details just generalizing.

When I was finished Caden had a dirty smirk on his mouth.

"So the ice princess has warmth after all?" he said a nick name he knew I disliked a smile on his lips. I glared at him thinking to hit him in the head with a cookie but not at all, these were too damn delicious to waste.

"So you still have feelings for  him don't you."

I didn't have to answer, Caden already knew the answer.

"It's obvious then, let things take there course."

"But he's older than me Caden. What would people think?"

Caden rolled his eyes at me. "Fuck what people think Cara. You live your life how you want to and all those who have a problem just flip them the middle finger."

I rolled my eyes at him. "When you put it like that."

I looked at him serious "have you ever considered taking your own advice?" I ask him placing my hand on his shoulder.

He shrugged carelessly my hand falling off. "Can you imagine me flipping my parents the middle finger lol?"

"Come on Car I do live my life how I want to. I'm ga-bisexual for Christ sake from an strictly heterosexual  religious family.

I feel my heart pain for him he had a hard time admitting he was gay, preferring to use bisexual. It meant that there was a small possibility of him being what his parents wanted and doing what they do. Travelling to different parts of the world ministering the word of the omnipotent, omniscient God, lover and creator of all.

Yeah right. I almost laughed out at that one.

"What's so funny Car?"  Caden asked.

"Nothing," I say finally taking a bite of my sandwich. I went  half way with it and could not eat any more.

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