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“How was your day Jiyeonie?” Jisoo eoni asked after chewing her food.

“Good, I guess. Eoni, why asked? It's like there's always new happenings when I stay in the university.” I answered honestly then drink my water.

I heard her sigh. “Jiyeon-ah, if I'm going to ask you some question, are you gonna answer it honestly?” she asked questioningly, her voice seems unsure? I don't know.

I look up at her. “I am always honest to you eoni, I never forget that eomma want's us to be honest to each other.” I said.

I can still remember that. When we were still kids, eomma always taught us to be honest, she told us that lying won't do anything good for everyone. But she was never honest with us..

“But eomma lied to us before, remember?” She answered back. I sighed then nodded. I put down the utensils and rest my back on the chair.

“She did, but that's white lies eoni. She did that for us too, she didn't want us to..” I stopped, thinking if I should continue my words. Those words that I don't even want to say.

“She didn't want us to know that she was sick as fuck and she only had few more days that time to spent with us. She didn't tell us that she's dying already so that we won't be hurt as much as she endured her pain. But what happened to us now Kei? We're both enduring the pain of losing her, we're both stucked on that moment of our life that she's losing her life. See that Kei? Lying won't do good to us, that would only lead us to separation and destruction. And white lies is not an exemption to that.” She beamed out of frustration.

I know eoni has been enduring this inside her but I just can't talk to her about this. It's been what? Fifteen years since eomma died because of Alzheimer. Yes, at the very young age eomma got that disease.

It's really painful every time I remember those since when we have her still. She slowly forgetting all thesimple things around her, until she forgot us. Eomma never had a chance to remember us. She only knew that we were her guardian.

And as a daughter it breaks my heart every time I look at her enduring her pain.

“Mianhae eoni.” I apologized then bow my head. I don't wanna cry because I promised to eomma that I won't cry because of her. And I don't wanna cry infront of eoni coz I know she will be sorry after this and don't like that. It wasn't her fault.

“Kei-ah, it's only just us now, we don't eomma now to say our rants, we don't have appa too, so please, be honest to me okay? I am your eoni after all. Okay?” she said convincingly as she hold my hand then squeezed it lightly.

I nodded slowly. I don't know what to say. She's right, I should be honest, but I don't think I can say to her what really is my score in school. I don't want her to know that I am a good for nothing wallflower.

After our talk yesterday evening, eoni and I seemed to understand each other more. Yes, I'n not that close to eonie since after what happened to eomma I became aloof to her.

And earlier, she told me that she'll fetch me after class, actually, eoni have a car, it's from their company. She told me that the company where is right now lend her one of the company's car so that it would be easy for her to go for her work. That's why we're so thankful because of that.

“Hey! Jiyeon-ssi!” I stopped from walking when I heard someone call me.

It wasn't that Park Jimin, since I can easily recognize his voice now. But this guy is from the jackass. Seungcheol? I guess.

“Hey there.” He said when he finally got in front of me. I just gave him a questioning look.

“You are really different eh? But you're not my type, absolutely not my type. I prefer the cheerleader's older member.” He said, talking about Im Nayeon.

“Do you need something sunbaebim?” I asked. Not my first talking to him tho, did I forgot to tell you that some jackass are not bullies? Yes, some of they, because some of them are friends from other group.

He smiled. “Nothing really Jiyeon-ssi. But can you give this to Nayeon?” He said then bring out a pink envelope inside his pocket. Huh?

I gave him a questioning look. “Ah?”

“Sorry, I thought you can help me with this. You know, I'm really shy to talk to her since she's really famous, so, can you help me?” He said shyly while scratching her back.

I look at the envelope. “Is that a love letter?” I immediately closed my mouth because of that. Aish babo Jiyeon. Who are you to ask such a private question. Babo!

“Mianhae, don't answer that sunbaebim. I'll give it to her right now.” i said then get the letter in his hand.

I heard him laugh for I don't know reason why. Eh?

“Gwiyowo. It's okay to ask that Jiyeon-ssi. By the way, yeah, it's love letter. Funny but I guess cupid shot me with his arrow and here I am now being madly in love with Nayeon. Just please keep it a secret for now.” he shyly said, his cheeks a bit reddish because of his confession.

I looked at him with awe. He's in love with Nayeon-ssi? That' Err, I guess.

“Oh, geurae sunbaenim. I will keep it as a secret.” i said.

He then smiled then tap my head. Wait what? Why did he do that?

“Gomawo Jiyeon-ssi. By the way just call me Seungcheol, cut the formality. Anyway, gotta go, you know, practice. Thanks again. Bye, take care.” he said then left me dumbfounded.

Did he just really told me that I should just call him in his name? What the hell is happening?

A/N: My updates would be like 1k+ or less than that per chapters and my grammars are really not in good terms so please bear with me. Thank you!



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