Chapter 8 - I Volunteer as Tribute

Start from the beginning

Suddenly the door burst open and April walked in, “Hey what’s with all the laugh-, Oh uh sorry guys” April crossed her arms across her chest and looked at us with an amused smirk playing on her lips, Max frowned and looked down at the position we were and instantly blushed and scrambled to get off of me. Max sat with her legs crossed next to where I was lying and I rolled my eyes, “Stop thinking what ever you’re thinking April, get your mind out of the gutter…” I grumbled using my elbows to prop me up so I could see her better

Her eyes widened at Max and rushed over to her and pulled her shoulders so that she was looking at April, surprise was written across Max’s face as April studied her hair.

“Max what happened to your hair? Did the shampoo make it change colour, oh my gosh!”

“April,” I called her in a deadpan voice, “Max’s hair has been like that the whole time you’ve known her…”

“Oh, my bad” April released Max and skipped over to the door, “Oh and by the way, your buddy Mack called and asked you to and I quote ‘answer your bloody phone’” She used her fingers to mark the quotations, before disappearing and closing the door behind her.

A little shocked at what had just happened I looked over at Max who was wearing a similar expression, a thoughtful look crossed her face.

“Baby brain” we spoke in unison making us both chuckle

Suddenly I remembered what she’d said, Mack had called, and if he’d called April it must’ve been important. Cursing under my breath, I reached over and grabbed my phone. Sure enough there was a fair few missed calls from Mack and other agents. Tapping quickly I pulled up his contact, pressed the call button. And waited anxiously for him to answer.

“Regan! Finally come on man, you need to actually answer your phone…” Mack’s voice drifted through the phone and I let out a nervous chuckle

“I was sleeping?” I answered him, but it came out as more of a question

“Yeah what ever buddy, I’ll let it slid this time. We got an update about the Link case” This perked my interest, “Okay, hang on I have Max with me here. Let me put the phone on speaker” I pulled it away from my ear and checked to see the door was closed and dropped the phone on the bed between Max and I.

“Max? You there?” Mack’s voice called out from the phone, causing Max to learn closer

“Yeah I’m here, what’s up Mack?” Max asked curiously looking at me out of the corner of her eye

“Like I just told Regan, we’ve gotten some new details about the Link case” Mack explained through the phone

This peeked Max’s interest as well, her head shot up and she looked at me, eyes wide she looked back down at the phone, “What? What is it?

“Well we’ve been given Intel that Link and Mason will be making their exchange today. But that’s all we have, we’ve been searching everywhere all day but we have nothing. We’re starting to think it was false Intel…” Mack’s voice trailed off

“Maybe…” I mumbled running a hand through my hair

“Wait” Max spoke up causing me to look at her, “Yesterday when we were leaving the college and I forgot my keys they were back in Mr Mason’s classroom. I went in while he was on the phone and just pretended to not hear him, that’s how I knew the formula back at the office – because it was up on his whiteboard. Anyways the guy on the phone said…” Max trailed off her eyebrows creasing in concentration, snapping her fingers she seemed to have remembered, “He said for Mason to bring the goods and he would bring the money”

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