Chapter 14

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Next day*

"Morning little one" Lucas walks over to the crying baby and cradles her in his arms

"Ga" The baby starts to stop crying and says some words that aren't actually words causing Lucas to smile

"Let's get you dressed" Lucas opens a bag of clothes that are for the baby, He pulls out a white onesie that covered her feet on the onsie there was a small pink star

Maya was so tired, she was practically asleep while walking to the apartment and it's only 7:45

Lucas set's the baby on their couch which must seen massive to the small girl and opens up the balcony door to let in the fresh air

Maya opens the bedroom door and she is wearing a loose dress and brushing her wet hair from the shower

"Good morning!" Maya walks over to her husband who is sitting with the girl, She rubs his shoulder and leans up to give her a kiss

"Hi angel" Maya picks up her baby and gives her a small hug then passing her back down to Lucas

"Do you want a drink" Maya walks to the kitchen

"Yes please hun" Lucas calls back

Maya brings over a glass of orange juice and a small sippy cup some milk for the girl that she got ready earlier

"Have you got any names?" Lucas asks while pulling Maya into a hug

"Well I like a couple but they are odd names" Maya giggles a bit

"I like unusual names, Is it dedicated to anyone?" Lucas questioned


"What's the name?" Lucas asked

Maya told him the name and a smile curved onto his face

"What do you think?" Maya picks up the little girl of the couch and holds her close to Lucas

"I surprisingly love it, it was never a name I pictured but it suits her face" Lucas smiled to his new baby girl

"What's happening today?" Lucas goes to the bedroom to get changed

"I need to see Cory & Topanga, and your family would want to see her right?" Maya smiled

"Oh yes! About my family, Maya I had no idea that you got pappy Joe to come..Thank you" He comes out and gives her a hug

"I know how important he is to you" Maya nods

"Not as much as my little girls" He gives them both a kiss

Once they were all ready they got into the car and drove to the Matthews house

Knock, knock

"I'll get it" Auggie called and Ava followed him to the door

"Maya papaya!" Ava smiled as Maya walked in

"Hi guys" She gave them both a hug and Lucas walked in too

"Hey" He smiled

"Maya, Lucas" Topanga walked in from the hallway to meet them

"Hi Mrs Matthews" Lucas said happily

Lucas was carrying the baby carrier basket and Maya had her handbag

"Who is it?" Cory came in to see the new family of 3

"YAYYY!" Cory practically ran to meet the new girl

"How has it been" Topanga asks walking to the kitchen

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