Chapter 12

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*33 weeks later*

"Lucas the appointment is in half an hour and Riley is almost there" Maya called out from the living room

"Relax, You can't be stressed" He said calmly walking over to Maya and putting his hands on her baby bump and kissing her softly

His green emerald eyes seemed to mellow Maya so she wasn't stressed anymore

"Let's go" She smiled and opened up their front door and he followed her out locking it behind his wife

"Ok so why is Riley coming?" Lucas asks once they get into the car

"Because we find out the gender today and Riley has a gender reveal party on saturday in 5 weeks so she needs to know and we can't" Maya explains to him

"How many weeks ago could we have found out?" Lucas asked

"I'm not really sure about 5 I think" Maya replied back

*At the hospital*

"This place makes me want to throw up everytime i'm here" Maya sighed to Riley and her husband

"At least you are here for a good reason this time" Riley smiled

"Mrs Maya Friar?" A nurse called out

They all stood up and walked over to the nurse

"So Maya it's gender reveal session" The nurse says excitedly

"Yea but we don't wanna know, My friend is gonna know so she can do a surprise party" Maya smiles

"Aw, how cute" the nurse walks into the room and Maya sits on the bed

The nurse scans Maya's stomach while Maya is holding Lucas's hand, Riley was watching the Maya thinking about how that would be her one day..She needed to tell Farkle..

"Okay I know the gender" The nurse smiled, she wrote it down on a post it and gave it to Riley

Riley opened it to read the gender, She smiled as she read it and looked to Maya and Lucas she could see the desperation in his eyes to know

Once out of the hospital they we're walking to the cars

"C'mon Riley can you tell me!" Lucas asked her

"No! I have been waiting for this forever you can wait till saturday" Riley giggles a bit

*Saturday 5 weeks later*

"Morning babes" Lucas rolled over to a sleeping Maya

Maya moans a little trying to bring herself to wake up

"What day is it?" Maya grumbled out

"It is Saturday" Lucas looked at his watch that had the date and time on it

They both gasp in shock that it's already saturday

"Riley will be here soon" Maya tries to stand up with her big stomach and walks to the main room

"Maya go get ready" Lucas smiles as he walks out of the room ands starts tidying the place

"No just because i'm fat and heavy doesn't mean you have to do everything" She said hopelessly

"Maya you are not fat" Lucas looks at her

Maya stares to her stomach and back to Lucas

"Okay that's a person growing inside there it doesn't count" Lucas gives her a comforting hug and smiles

"You always know how to take care of me" Maya releases from the hug and walks to the bathroom

"It's because I am your husband and I need to take care of you and most importantly I love you" He says while straightening the cushions on the couch

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