Chapter 14

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I go out of the back of the building. I don't want anyone to see I am only wearing a loose shirt, no bra, sweatpants that are too big for me and heel...flipping heels! It's a wonder I am running in them!

I shudder when I realise I'm in a back alley way. Seeing it, brings back harsh memories and a single tear rolls down my eye.
I could have been raped in a back alley way...

Every womans fear: to be forced to have sex or raped.

It's different for men...They can walk around late at night without being scared for their wellbeing. I'm not saying this kind of thing doesn't happen to males as it does. It truly does and it sickens me that anyone who should have that kind of experience.

Although to be raped is every woman's fear, it is my worst fear...

I run out of the back alley way carefully, sparing no time. It is light outside already but I don't even know the time so...
Anyway, I hail a cab. The yellow car  pulls  🚕up in front of me and I hurriedly get in. An old man drives at the front. He is dangerously frail and I wonder if he could even drive. His skin is wrinkled and very prune-like although he gives off a warm, kind aroma that makes me strangely comfortable with him.

He rolls the protective window down.
"Where to, sweetie?" He questions . Although small, his voice is nothing the same. It is loud and echoes through the vehicle.

I give him my address and he nods and begins to drive. The car hums gently and it calms me.
The man turns on the radio, and looks at me through his mirror. I expect his eyes to hold disgust. I mean, I am wearing male oversized clothes, my hair is a mess and I am wearing killer heels.
But instead, they are soothing and kind. They hold a comforting warmth that soothes my soul.
I wish my grandpa is like this.

After 10 minutes of driving, while jamming to Katy Perry and Ed Sheeran, we finally pull up in front of my apartment building. When he sees the state of it, he looks at me in pity.

"$**" he asks for.

I look in my purse and realise I have no money. He instantly noticed my situation and smiles kindly at me.

"Don't worry sweetie- it's on me,"

My eyes full up by his kindness. And I hate that. I am so sick and tired of crying!

The car pulls away, as the driver gives me a final wave and reassuring smile. I turn to the building.

Welcome home.


Sam isn't home. I don't know why I am surprised. She is probably out on the streets doing, well...

I shake away the bitter thoughts. I need to get some rest. I have to go to the bakery to sort out a few things before going to see the investors! 

I collapse on my bed. I seem to be doing that a lot. My eyes flutter before I fade into darkness.


I'm really sorry this chapter is short! This is all I can provide so far....yes it is less than 520 words and yes I am sorry but I have exam week coming up and I am mainly revising.

I hope you understand! I won't be updating for the next 2-3 weeks! I again apologise for that.

I hope you enjoyed that chapter (even though it is tiny)...

*don't forget to vote*


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