Chapter 1

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Dedicate do crazyprincesses2017

Savi POV

"Sam!" I yell, my voice aggravated, frustrated and worst of all pissed. Pissed off me is not a good me to be around. I try again, screaming the same word which rolls of my tongue in disgust.
No reply...
"Where are you?" I shout again.
Once again, no reply.

I stand in the hallway of my tiny apartment located downtown in the area for druggies and prostitutes. It's right on the edge of the long street that goes all the way to the rich, flashy city of New York.
"I'm sure I heard her come in last night..." I mutter to myself confused. She has to be here...somewhere.

I check the dainty kitchen that sits in the corner of our lounge. It accommodates simply a half broken fridge, a sink, countertops with cupboards underneath and a splintered wooden table for two, bang in the middle of it.
The once-white marble tops are covered with unclean plates and  used and unused cigarettes; the ashes lay gently on the wooden table.
She must have stubbed it out on the wood- what was she thinking? There could have been a fire!
Oh wait, she doesn't think, I think to myself dryly.

I crunch my nose up as I transfer all the rubbish to the bin and hide the unused cigarettes.

I continue looking in her room, the lounge, the small broom cupboard. I drag myself slowly to the bathroom, the last place there is to check. My mood is down and I'm giving up.
I swing the door open, my eyes widen in shock as I assess in horror, Sam lying in the bathtub, passed out, still dressed with what she wore yesterday, and bottle of beer in her hand. Her eyes are rolling back as  she sleeps uncomfortably in the old tub, which is much too tiny for her tall frame. Her blond hair is frizzy and messed up completely, and her make-up is smudged.
Oh Sam...

I travel to her sleeping figure slowly, gently removing the empty bottle out of her hand and disposing of it. I lift her up, mustering all the strength I had within me.
Damn, she's heavy.

I wrap my hand around her waist, supporting her upper half. I practically drag her too her room. Kicking the door open, I lay her on the bed, tucking her in. I kiss her forehead carefully and take a step back.
I walk backwards, out of the door.
Goodnight Sam.
Then I shut the door behind me.

This isn't over Sam. I'm not done with you yet.

The FIRST chapter of the new and reconstructed, Perfect Strangers.
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Any ideas who Sam could be? I like to keep you guessing!

The next update is Tuesday evening! <3

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