Chapter 10

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I can't see Emma anywhere! They are too many people here! I look around hoping to see a clock. I finally spot one near the bar glasses.

I glide my way through the bodies so I can see the clock clearer. Ok, I don't glide. Glide makes me sound elegant. I kind of blunder through the bodies. The clock states it is 12:10 in the morning. I look around again, hoping to catch site of Emma. I walk to the toilets and check around there. The queue is no more and the hall is partly empty. I check on the dance floor, near the bar until I finally catch a lock of dark brown hair, which is unmistakably Emma's. I follow the hair, dodging bodies as I went, to find Emma by the exit, leaving. She looks a bit drunk, not fully though yet she had the same amount as me, maybe more.

Maybe I'm lightweight... it was my first time drinking heavily...

She is with a guy. They look pretty close. The man is fairly handsome, quite tall ( about 6,2) with blue eyes and pitch black hair. His face is clean shaven ad he has a tattoo on his middle finger of a ring. I take in his appearance, writing mental notes in case he tries anything on Emma, I can identify him.

"Emma!" I shout at her.

She smiles at me and gives me the 'I've got a hot date tonight' and another, 'sorry for leaving you, call a taxi', her eyes apologetic. I am an expert at reading looks! She doesn't get to say anymore as she is pulled away by the man.

Me and Emma have our own way of silent communication, it's our thing. In class when we were in high school, we would sometimes talk during the lessons as I always sat next to Sam. Emma never liked Sam! She said Sam gave her a bad vibe and wouldn't go anywhere with her.
Now I think about it, I should have done the same.

I remember in the hall at dinner, I was wearing with Emma. We were about 15. Her and Sam, were the only friends I had and they still are (with the exception of Leo, who I met when I moved here and Sam isn't much of a friend anymore). Sam came and say down with us, and the second Emma caught sight of her, she immediately excused herself and left. Sam didn't mind. Her exact words were, "Thank god! She's left!" I didn't answer or but have a little nod. I didn't talk much back then . I was a whimpering, scared , timid little nobody who was silently breaking inside.

It was the same also year long and the following few. They alternated who left the table. It was crazy and absolutely dumb, and the loathing they had to each other was incredibly recognisable. I never found out the reason they hated each other...

I turn away from her and go to the bar. It is no longer, Jade and Adam working. Another girl and boy is working. They're certainly not as friendly. They have a permenant scowl on their face. I order a glass of water and take a sip of it before making my way to the exit. I get my phone out to see it is out of battery, then I check my purse to see my wallet on has
$3 in it! GREAT! It seems like i'm walking. I wrap my hands around myself. It is getting chilly and I don't have a cold.

I walk away from the club, wishing I hadn't worn heels. I should have put on comfortable converse, I groan to myself in my head. I come to a crossing, if I turn left, I will be in a alleyway which also leads to a shortcut that appears a street away from my apartment. I have taken it many times but not in the night. If I continue walking straight, I will stay on the main road but will have to go the long way round. I will freeze and probably catch a cold and break a foot because of these damn heels.

Decisions, decisons.

I continue going straight.

What did you expect? I would go down the dark, creepy alleyway?

I have watched enough movies and read enough books to know that nothing gods happen in alleyways. And even if it isn't true, I'm not taken any chances.

Suddenly, a noise from the alleyway catches my attention. The voice is groaning, shouting desperate 'help me'. I listen more, to see if there is any other voices, but there isn't. He is alone.

Don't go help, don't go help, don't go help...

And guess what, I went to help.


I run into the dark alleyway, seeing it is empty apart from a man crouched down, resting against the sidewalk. I can't see his face as the alleyway is so dark. He is sitting beside a big dumpster, that gives a rotten stench that wafts to my nose making me gag.

"Are you okay?" I ask. Something doesn't feel right...something is wrong here. My sixth sense is tingling. I stand in front of him, bending over a little to inspect the damage.

" I am now you're here!" the man says, raising his head skowly and giving me a malicious grin. I stumble back realising it is the man from the club. The man that nearly raped me with his buddies.

I hear footsteps behind me and spin around. His buddies have arrived...and they looked pissed. They obviously didn't like the fact I kicked their pansy asses. Their manly egos were hurt.
I back away only to bump into another man.

Shit! I'm surrounded.

The men advance on me. There the predator i'm the prey...until they pounce. One grabs my wrist and shoves me against the wall, the other begins to hitch my skirt up. I am glad my dress is quite right as the man is struggling to pull it up. I struggle against them screaming.

"HELP ME!" I tell desperately. The man holding me punches me in the gut and my breath is sucked out from me.

"Shut up birch!" He hisses venomous .

Silent tears roll down my cheek and I let my body to limp.

I'm about to be raped...again.

I updated! Yay! I honestly didn't think I would be make it (sorry it's short).

I know right... this chapter is sad. I have revealed the big secret...She has been raped before...

I hope you feel as emotional as I am but, to lift your spirits, I have a suprise...
I am updating again today! *cue the celebration*

This chapter (and the double update) is dedicated to DrawedGirl1283

She is one amazing kind of person and I really appreciate her! Everyone go follow her!

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She is one amazing kind of person and I really appreciate her! Everyone go follow her!


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