“I told him about me being left at the orphanage and how I could contact my mother if I want to.”

“How did he respond to that?”

“He said he’ll be by my side.”

“There you go, he doesn’t care about that, but you. It might be time for you to reconsider meeting your mom...you have to get past this.”

“That’s what he said that I shouldn’t keep the doubt and just go for it.”

“Well, you should and even if the worst were to happen, we’ll be here for you.”

“Yeah, I guess. I will call the orphanage and see what they tell me.”

“You do that, so that then you can be with your man without doubts.” Karla teases him.

“Ugh, you had to go there!” Seth says trying to hide his grin. Only Karla could ease the tension that way.


On the last evening before Karla is to leave to return to her job, all their friends have been invited to dinner, but this time only Eric, Robert, and Sandra can make it. They sit in the living room enjoying dinner. Seth covers his hickey, but unknown to him Karla had told their friends about it. Robert being him has to have his fun with Seth.

“That didn’t take long and I thought you weren’t that kind of man you’ve greatly disappointed me, Seth!” Robert exclaims dramatically.

“What are you talking about, Robert?”

“He pretends he doesn’t know! Can you believe it, Karla?” Robert responds winking at Karla.

“What?” Seth asks again meanwhile Eric and Sandra are trying to hold in their laughter having figured out Robert is teasing Seth.

“Who am I supposed to look up too? We know Eric doesn’t count because he’s my brother. Oh why me?”

“Ugh, stop it! Tell me what you’re talking about!” Seth demands.

“That right there!” Robert responds pointing to Seth’s neck.

Seth’s hand automatically goes to his neck covering it. Eric and Sandra burst out laughing seeing Seth start to blush.

“It’s nothing and we are moving on. Next topic!”

“Aww, did something else happened that my innocent ears shouldn’t hear?”

“No, nothing, Robert!”

“Robert, stop---teasing poor Seth---he’s already blushing.” Eric says through his laughter.

“Where’s your man, Seth?” Robert continues.

“He’s not my man!”

“Sure, so you just let anyone mark you!” Robert grins.

“No! It just happened!”

“Uh, did sex, also just happened?”

“No!” Seth maintains, his face turning tomato red. “I thought you are too innocent to know such things anyways.”

“Robert stop, you got Seth all red and flustered.” Karla says.

“Aww, he wants his man. Someone call him!” Robert continues with the teasing earning himself a punch from Seth.  

“Ugh, you’re hopeless!”

“Okay, okay.” Robert raises his arms in surrender trying not to grin when he sees Seth getting ready to give him another punch.

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