Chapter Two; Maybe You Are One

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Gerard's POV


Natalie ran over to me, crying her heart out. My heart sank.

Was she okay?

Who did this to her? I'll kill them!

"Natalie!" I exclaimed worriedly, as I pulled her smaller frame into my embrace. I held her tightly and gently swayed us side to side, rubbing her back slowly, "What's wrong?"

"It's our last day."

And it was. Today is our last day of primary school. After the school summer holidays we're straight into high school.

"It's going to be okay," I promised her, "High school will be fun!"

"Which high school are you going to?" she asked me.

"Summit High," I answered, "What about you?"

"Summit High," she smiled, "I suppose it won't be that bad then."

"How have you suddenly changed your mind?" I chuckled in slight confusion.

"It won't be that bad," she began, "Because you will be there. And you always make bad things better in the end."

I smiled and hugged her tighter. Soon enough we won't be the big fish in the small pond, no, we'll be the small fish in the big pond. We'll be Year 7s!

The bell rang for the end of lunch break and we both sighed, pulling away from the hug. We were both in different classes, but that might change once we get to high school.

"You really need to start eating quicker," I scolded her, jokingly, "So we can spend longer together at break times, Nat."

"Stop calling me Nat!" she exclaimed, gently hitting my shoulder playfully, "You make me sound like a pest!"

"Maybe you are one," I smirked. She death glared at me and I held me hands up in surrender, "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

She shook her head in amusement and then walked back into the building with her classmates. I sighed. I wish we were in the same class together, we'd have so much fun!

Suddenly, a sharp pain erupted in my back, on the left again. I quickly rushed inside and grabbed my bottle of tablets. As I tipped two out of the bottle onto my hand, a different hand snatched them away. I looked up and saw our horrid headmistress.

"What do you think you are doing?" she boomed, "Bringing drugs into school!?"

"Miss, you don't understand!" I yelled, clutching my back even more as the pain became worse and worse.

"Oh, but I do!" she snarled.

"No, you don't," I assured her calmly, "They're for my-"

"Friends!?" she shouted in my face. Droplets of slimy spit landing on my face in the process. "I'm confiscating these right away!"

She grabbed my bottle, before I had time to react, and walked away. I began to sweat. My kidney has never acted up like this before.

I bent over forward, no teacher in sight, and I took deep breaths. It wasn't working though.

And soon enough, before I knew it, I fainted. . .

The Kids From Yesterday (Gerard Way)Where stories live. Discover now