XXVII ✧ Sleep Now, Darling

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M Y  E M O T I O N S



I really need to stop updating this every day :')


Chapter Twenty-Seven

She wondered what it would feel like to die.

Avarice had helped so many people do just that, but she had never really wondered what it would be like to feel what it was like before that moment.

She felt so selfish. She could very well die, and she didn't even say goodbye to Levi, or Aspin, or Ajal or Robert or the Mikaelson's. She didn't say goodbye to anyone out of fear that they would stop her.

Avarice went to his side, and began to feel her eyes sting with tears. Her hands were shaking. She did not know if she believed in a higher power, but she hoped that if there was one, they would make this work. There had to be one. She could not be in this alone.

She sat down on the bed beside him, leaning her back against the headboard. She took his hand into hers, and held it tightly. She relished in the way that it seemed to fit into hers.

He was so cold. A thousand times more than usual. She wanted nothing more than to give him the warmth he needed to survive.

When she looked over at him, she saw that his cheeks had begun to sink in and his skin was pale. The area around the wounds the mares had made was grey and showing dark veins. He was beginning to desiccate. His brow was furrowed and his eyes were moving back and forth wildly under his eyelids, as if he were having a nightmare. Avarice found herself reaching up to touch his face, and her fingers grazed along his cheek.

"You're going to be okay, Elijah," she whispered. Her voice cracked because she didn't know if that was true or not.

She pulled her hand back and placed it on top of her other one, holding his hand closer to her. She took one deep breath before she shut her eyes.

She could feel his power fading. It was like a light that was flickering on and off.

Removing the mares from his soul was like removing the layers off of a cardboard puzzle piece. Everywhere she turned, there was another part of the infection rushing through his veins.

When she brought that piece into herself, it felt like fire in her blood. It felt as if every cell in her body was alight, but even so, she clenched her teeth and kept going. She had to keep going.

As she took more of the pieces away, placing the mares' infection into her own system, she became cold. So very, very cold. She had felt something resembling it when she took away Rebekah's curse, but this was much stronger. It seemed like her skin was covered in a lay of ice. The cold was thin and flimsy, as if it was about to break, but she didn't have enough strength shatter it all on her own.

She felt her limbs go limp, and she rested against the headboard. Her head rolled to the side, and she was too weak to try and keep it up. The right side of her face leaned upon the side of the headboard, her face turned from Elijah. Not that it mattered; she couldn't see him anyway.

Her hands were loose around Elijah's, and she felt the slightest movement. His pulse was strong now. His skin was warm. That was good.

She heard slamming at the door and then a muffled crash as the double doors were knocked to the ground, her wards having been broken into.

She felt hands at her shoulders, trying to force her to sit up and respond to them. The hand that she had once been holding was clutching at hers tightly.

Thoughts ran through her mind, but only one seemed to stick out.

It was time to sleep.

She had to sleep now.


He heard someone whisper his name. It echoed within Elijah's mind, and he could not quite place who it was, but he knew that his heart seemed to beat faster at the sound of them.

There had been ice in his veins, but that ice was melted. His blood had gone from covered in frost to being alight with flame. He felt warmth rushing throughout his whole body but he couldn't quite figure out what it was. He wasn't supposed to be this warm.

The warmth faded, and as it did, he felt it replaced with a new sense of energy.

Elijah's eyes fluttered open, and he blinked against the light. It may have been dim, but his eyes felt as if they had been closed for a century.

His memories flooded back, and he remembered. The mares had attacked. One got past Levi, and Elijah protected them. He protected his family. Klaus had tried as well, but he wasn't fast enough to stop the mare that nearly destroyed Elijah. Then Levi threw a knife at it with the last bit of strength, and stopped the mare from killing Elijah.

The more he thought about it, the more Elijah wondered how he was not dead.

He didn't have a shirt on, and the spot where he had once been clawed by the mare had been covered in a bandage.

He became physically aware, and felt two hands limply wrapped around his own. Then he heard yelling, and felt those hands fall from his own.

He looked to the side to see Avarice. She was leaning against the headboard, and she looked horrific. Her skin was white, but nearly looked grey. She was covered in a thin layer of sweat and she was completely still. Her breathing was incredibly slow, as was her heartbeat.

He didn't realize that he had been clutching at her hand until it was pulled from him. Levi was feeling for her pulse, then he went back to attempting to get her to wake up.

"Avarice, open your eyes!" Levi shouted. He still looked rather terrible himself. He didn't have a shirt on, and his arm was bandaged. He seemed better, but he was still very pale.

Ajal and Levi were shaking at her shoulders, and Aspin was giving her face light taps to see if it would wake her up even slightly.

"We're taking her home," Ajal growled, standing up straight to look at Kaige. Robert placed a hand on Ajal's shoulder, and it calmed him, but only slightly. Elijah turned to see Kaige standing near the foot of the bed and gripping one of the poles that made up the four-poster bed. He also saw his siblings on the other side of the room.

"Elijah and Levi will stay here," Kaige said with a nod.

"Like hell they will!" Aspin roared.

Everyone was more than surprised. No one had seen her with that much anger before.

Elijah felt the energy slip back into his body, and before anyone could stop him, he stood and took Avarice into his arms. He stayed silent as he walked from the room, and down the hallway. He held her tightly as his siblings rushed to stand by him and ask if he was sure that he was all right.

"I am fine," he stated. "And the only reason why is this woman. So I will be taking her home, out of this castle, and away from that man."

They were quiet as he continued to walk until he was at the limousine outside the castle, which was surprisingly still there. A white-eye rushed from the castle to drive them back to Avarice's home.

He didn't know if she would be all right. But he knew that if she died, he wouldn't be.

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