III ✧ Darkness & Light

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Chapter Three

The Mikaelson's had come across three servants in the house.

When the group tried to question them, the servants simply said that they were no longer in their own world. When they asked who brought them there, they only replied "she did". That, of course, puzzled them. Who was "she"? Compulsion did not appear to work on the servants, so the Mikaelson's were out of luck.

They all met in the living room the next day, only to find that the servants whom had shown them their rooms were gone.

Kol came walking in, the last one to join them, seeming rather annoyed. "The servants are gone. I had wanted to have a bite first."

"No. No biting under any circumstances," Elijah said rather harshly, shaking a finger at his younger brother. "We do not know anything about these people, nor about this world. Until we do, we shall avoid feeding."

Kol narrowed his eyes at his brother. Since Davina's death, Kol had had trouble controlling himself. Or, rather, finding the motivation to even have control. In his mind, Elijah was just another obstacle in the wave of Kol going back to his old self. A version of himself that he was rather eager to return to.

Freya sat on the couch with Rebekah beside her, while Kol stood with his arms crossed and Elijah was pacing the room.

They were all confused, and also a little irritated. They didn't know where they were, or why they were there. But they needed to find out.

"We should see if we can find anyone else, since the servants are gone," Freya suggested. "This isn't a world that I created. Someone else made it. There has to be someone else here."

Elijah and Rebekah agreed, while Kol really only said yes because he was thirsty and was entertaining the idea of finding one of those servants.

As Elijah went back up the stairs to get a jacket, he couldn't help but be a little disappointed in Kol. The boy had come so far within the past few years. He had gone from tolerating his siblings to genuinely loving them, and caring for them deeply. Elijah could not deny that part of that was due to Davina's influence, and the thought of what he and his sister did to the poor girl made his heart clench and his stomach churn. He may have been an Original vampire, and he may have appeared to be a very reserved man, but that did not mean that he didn't have a thousand actions in the back of his mind that he regretted.

Perhaps, some day, that act would go behind the red door. Never to be seen again.

Elijah hoped not.

He looked out a window that was at the middle of the stairway, then back at the steps again. The window overlooked the garden, and when he took a moment to realize that there had been a black shape within the garden, he quickly spun back to the window.

A woman was outside. She wore a leather jacket and a black shirt, as well as black pants and knee-high boots. Her hair was long and a dark shade of brown, and her skin was a dark olive tone. Her hair whipped in the strong wind that had formed, the same with her jacket and somewhat loose shirt. Her skin, however, seemed to shine in the light. It brought a glow to that almost seemed out of places, as everything about her was darkness. Even so, when he looked at her, he could only feel enamoured. Klaus had mentioned the allure to darkness to him many times, but Elijah had never once felt it before that moment.

Being a vampire for so long had almost trained Elijah to be able to sense when a person was not human. Whatever species she was, she was far from mortal.

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