XXVI ✧ Pain

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I HIGHLY suggest listening to the video. It's a minor trigger, so don't watch it if you aren't sure. It's amazing, and it made me cry when I first listened to it. I listened to it the whole time I was writing this. It matches how Avarice is feeling in this chapter perfectly. 


Chapter Twenty-Six

He took slow steps towards her, his hands out in what seemed to be surrender. "Avarice, I did not mean-"

"You forgot?" she asked, her voice void of all emotion while he came closer.

He visibly became more wary of her when he heard how stoic her tone was. He stopped moving entirely, and put his hands down at his sides.

"I brought them down to let the grim's in. I forgot to put them back up-"

"You forgot?" she repeated.

"It slipped my mind," he said, attempting to justify his actions.

It did not work.

With that, she was on him. Her fist collided with the left side of his face, and Ajal and Robert both couldn't help but wince when they heard the rather loud crack that followed. It was fairly obvious that it was not Avarice that been hurt.

She stayed a pace or two back as he stood up straight again, and ran his fingers along his cheekbone. He had a facial fracture for sure, but it would heal easily. He was clearly more worried about the enraged young woman standing in front of him.

"An innocent man is going to die tonight because you forgot. Is that what happened to the others a thousand years ago? You forgot?!"

She lunged forwards, and sent yet another punch at his face.

"Bila! Caieta! Eric! Heda! They're dead because of you! They were our friends and you killed them! They were our companions! Our sisters! Our brother!"

Her angered shouting turned into screams. She was screaming at him so loudly that it was a surprise to everyone - including the Mikaelson's, who had come outside to see what had been going on - that she had not burst a lung or damaged her vocal cords.

"You're a murderer, Kaige!"

Upon seeing that he was right in front of the window, her heel went up to hit him in the middle of the chest. She used so much force in the kick that he flew back against the window and crashed through it, falling to the stone patio that led to the garden.

She went to the edge of the windowsill to see him laid out on the patio. The impact his body made had crushed the stone beneath him. Cracks ran up and down the patio stones, and she made even more cracks when she leapt from the window and landed right in front of him.

"Now you will have the blood of Elijah Mikaelson on your hands as well," she hissed, standing in front of him as he jumped to his feet.

She was not yet finished with him, and judging from the determination that seemed to linger in his eyes, he was not yet ready to give up.

When she threw another punch at him, he grabbed her fist in his hand, and twisted her arm. She hissed in both pain and frustration. He nearly twisted it so far that it was behind her back, but she was stronger than him. She moved it back to it's original position, right beside his face, then used her free hand to grab the back of his neck. She yanked it down towards the ground, and promptly hit her kneecap directly into his throat. She ruptured his airway with ease, much to his dismay.

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