Chapter 11

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The fact that one of my stepbrother kissed me was just unnerving that I didn't manage to sleep a wink last night.

As I sat down on the couch of the game room, I couldn't help but stare at the television screen at daze while holding the console on my hand, barely moving. There was another occupant in the room and from what I remember, this person was blabbering non-stop.

"Hey William? William! Willy!"

I snapped out, blinking a multiple time before turning my head to Faith who looked at me with a raised brow. He had paused the game when he notice that I wasn't even playing. I frowned.

"I just figure out that you shouldn't call me Willy. You sound like your calling after my dick." I grimaced and stood up from the couch.

"Hey! Whe're you going?"

"Anywhere." I shouted and practically run through the hallways, not letting Faith the chance of following me. I just want to be alone and wallow to my own self pity.

Why would Gideon kiss me? Is it for him to tease me? To make fun of me? or there was something else that's why he had to do that. Or is it out of confusion or stirr in the moment? Can you all just give me a fucking advice or whatever, just help me clear these unknown feelings I am having.

I laid down on my bed after locking my room. I don't want to see any of my brother's for now, it'll just be a little awkward to.

My phone buzzed off from my pockets and I went to fetch it. Zeke, one of my teammate was calling me. I quickly pressed the green button and sat up straight in the bed.


"William! Oh my god! You have to come to the school as in now!" When I hear him panic, I quickly jumped off the bed, slipping some random shoes since I was hurrying myself.

"What? What's wrong?"

"Its about Kerry! The principal wants to expell him! The rest of the team are putting up some fight, we're ready to rally in front of the administration building!"

"What?! How the hell would the principal expell our team captain? Is he mad!?" I yelled as I hurried down the staircase.

"I'll tell you once you get here." Before I could answer, Zeke had already hanged up on me. I cursed to myself as I watched his number and smug face on my phone screen before it went off.

'What the heck Kerry? What did you do this time?'

As I was racing down the staircase, Gideon was there standing by the steps talking to Shaw and Kris. When all three of them heared fast steps on the stairs, they looked up at me. I paid them no mind and just ignore them as I carefully prayed to myself to not make any awkward movements. But I guess luck wasn't on my side.

My foot happen to step on some loose shoelace, making me trip and practically slid down the grandstaircase. My body bounce up and down from the flight of stairs. When I hit the posh granite floors of the ground floor was I able to collect myself. Both of my hands immediately covered my face from shame.

'Oh my gosh! How embarrassing!'

Imagining myself, I can't help but scold myself. I look like a pathetic fool right in front of my stepbrothers. In my age, who would trip on the staircase like that?

'Oh yeah... ME."

"William! Are you alright?" Shaw came over.

I quickly stood up from the floor, wincing a little bit from the pain on my left ankle but held it in secretly. I stopped Shaw from helping me and I quickly ran through the doors.

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