Chapter 2

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"The logarithmic function is the inverse function of the exponential function and vice versa. That is, the exponential form of the equation can be transformed into the logarithmic form." I recited while munching on my favorite cereal inside the kitchen.

"Woah, you really are smart." I snap my vision in my front to see who complemented me. And there standing, leaning on the door frame is the 8th Zixt.

Shirtless and free for all the pervert girls to see. I heard he was the famous pop idol with the name of "Nowaki" in japanese means typhoon, how in the world did he came up with that name? He doesn't even look like a japanese and most of all, he doesn't even speak like a true japanese. Maybe, I could make some fortune over him by selling his photos to my classmates who're crazy about him. Hehe, that'll be good.

"Your so dedicated in studying. Why don't go hang out with me today?" He said while walking unto the refrigerator and grab a carton of milk.

"Its so hot today." He mumbled and started drinking the milk like a hungry baby that has been abandoned by his mother for decades.

I averted my gaze away from him to go back on studying while finishing my cereal when suddenly he moaned so loud that it made me jump up a little on my seat. I quickly snap my head to him to yell when I was taken aback by the sight in front of me.

The milk that he was drinking started to spill out of the corner of his lips, trailing down to his jaw, his neck, his chest, his stomach and underneath where it could run on his skin. When he was done, he throw the carton of milk on the trash and lick his hands.

"That one was a good white juice first thing in the morning." He declaired. I felt my mouth open in shock. Did he just seduced me or something?!

Talk about his screen name as "Nowaki" as in typhoon, I felt like I just ran into a signal number 5 typhoon because of his alliterated actions of seducing me. Like one swift seduction of his and I've gone gaga over him. NO way in hell! I don't even have a thing for guys. Brrrr......

Without a hesitation, I grab my book, my unfinish bowl of cereal and my water bottle. I neared him and quickly spill my cereal on him.

"There! How about that? You can lap that up for the rest of the morning." And I stomped out of the kitchen. I can't believe he was such a jerk, and also a total pervert and a seducer. Did he think, I would fall for him? Jesus! He's a guy?! I'm a guy?! Were absolutely NOT meant for each other. What does he think I am? Some easy to get one night stand gay whore? My gosh, if this information leaked out in the entertainment world, girls and gays will wreck havoc in the world. Just the thought of it makes me feel goosebumps. Brr.... Again.

"Its so hot early this morning..."

I flinched when again, I heard that fucking sentence. Now what?! Another jerk and pervert right on the bat?! I snap my head on my back and saw the 7th Zixt sitting on some comfy red chair only on his white bathrobe exposing his creamy smooth chest, and it looks like he just came out of bath. And now, this one has the total bad boy look and aura.

He looked at me like he was preying his prey and ready to eat it. He started licking his lips seductively and that made me raise my left eyebrow. Dude, is this situation a make believe? What is wrong with this people?

Realizing I still have my water bottle with me, I came near him a little bit, and twist the cap of the bottle and quickly splash it right on his face. I heard someone laugh on my right and saw the previous jerk whose trying to seduce me earlier. And without a second doubt I throw my water bottle to him and it caught his forehead. After that I bolted out of the place and slid inside my own haven.

Jesus?! What is wrong with those people?! Trying to seduce me? Or they're just making fun of me to make sure if I really was gay or not, so that if they found out, they could put all their holy rosaries on while I'm on the house to keep themselves attached a one way ticket to heaven.

Like they said. Faggots, gays, etc and whatsoever, would go to hell and not to the heavens. But for me, I have no problems on people whether what are their sexual orientation and preferences are, as long as what they are doing are good deeds that will make people happy and they have Christ in life and heart then I'm open to them.

I slumped further into my soft bed and sigh to myself when all so suddenly my sister barge in into my room uninvited making me jumped from my bed and hit my nose on the carpeted floor.

"Just knock first will ya?!" I yelled at her while rubbing my now reddish nose.

"Sorry bro." She said casually. "But lemme tell you. We need to go to the mall as in right now." She stated.

"What?! Why don't you take one of our brothers there, I need to study my lessons Hill!" I complained.

"But their busy." She whined.

"Then what about me?" She huffed in annoyance and slumped beside me. She looked down at her lap and became silent for a minute which worried me.

"Sis?" I asked. I pulled her chin up and I was taken aback when she showed her puppy dog eyes that she really knows that I couldn't resist.


Weakness mode.

"Okay! Just stop that look okay?! Thank yourself I love you, you annoying sister!" I huffed which made her grin victoriously.


She then roughly pulled me out of my room and I think we just flew down the grand staircase and hopped inside her car which made me blinked multiple times in the car when she finally sped off to the road. Woah, I felt like I was the flash.

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