Chapter 5

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After everyone was done with eating, they immediately fled off to the places they wanted to be with, leaving the young ones rot in their rooms especially me and Faith. The twins are older, seeing their already nineteen but why did they choose to be coop up in their room? If I was old enough I wouldn't risk my life not having to experience how to loose out and be drunk whole night and woke up with the best hangover. Every teenage dreams but I think not.

I sigh.

"Are you okay Will?" I heard Faith asked as he looked at me, his face too close for my liking.

"Uh oh! Yeah I'm fine. Don't worry." He leaned a little more than I expected and accidentally peck the right side of my lips and that had me blushing.

"If you say so." He stated and went back to his side.

We were currently watching this supernatural kind of movie which is literally a vampire movie with boredom. We were silent until the scene got heated up when characters entered this some kind of vampire clubs where women's were naked and are dancing around the stage. They begun doing things where adult are fond of and I just realize I have an underage with me, not to mention me also.

"Ummm Faith, this is not totally for children's under-"

"I'm horny."

He blurted out like a bomb that had me staring at him eyes wide and totally dumbfounded.

"Hu-huh? What?" I stupidly asked.

"I said I'm horny, can't you see?" He stated boredly. From his face, my eyes traveled down to his lower region and indeed his pants were forming a tent.


Does a fourteen year old can already have a boner? Because even I, a sixteen year old guy haven't even felt it yet, the feeling of having a boner. Shit- what to do?

"Help me William-"

Faith called out huskily which I found his voice very sexy and erotic for my ears.

Ummmm, this is getting weirder by now. I heard Faith heaved a deep sigh as I looked at him.

"So- what should we do?"

"Its your fault - uuugghh" Faith mumbled and stood up from the couch and entered the bathroom, clicking it locked. I stared at the door for a mere seconds before sighing.

I quickly pressed the power of the TV in the remote, turning it off. I stood up from the couch and walk out into our balcony to have a peace on my own mind. That scene was just too embarrassing and awkward for me. That was my first time seeing someone get a boner and especially right beside me, and the big deal is, he was just two years younger than me and he's already having a boner.

My God! I'm freaking out with just that single boner.

Realizing that it'll get a little awkward once Faith returns, I decided to grab my pair of Nike running shoes from under my bed and kick my slippers out from my feet and slip my shoes on. I quickly dashed out from our room and just brought my phone, headphones and my wallet. I rode down the elevator and came out from the luxurious lobby that we just entered this morning. People around the lobby looked so elite with all their clothes and graces.

I ignored them and exited the grand building, one of the bellboy wink at me which made me throw him the middle finger as I walk down the pavement. I pulled my hoodie over my head while my head phones boomed pleasureble music in between my ears.

EXO - Overdose

The streets were indeed busy. Colorful lantern lights decorated the place that it might seem romantic. Many people were buzzing around since the place were filled with so much varieties of good stuff in affordable prices, especially the children's who adored this thing that looks like a series light and then you throw it in the sky. Many performance were being held down the shore with a little band music and people partying.

Hawaii was such a wonderful place to have a vacation.

After roaming around the busy area, I spotted this place while I was walking down the shore with my barefoot. It seem to be a wide open overlooking balcony style but will hold a huge conference over here like that. I quickly ran unto the stone stairs leading to that place, when I said overlooking, the stairs were really long and when I managed to arrive at the top, I spent three minutes of it.

The place was really windy and peaceful with only a single light post illuminating the place. I hugged myself more when the wind was too cold since it was facing the huge vast of ocean so literally, it would be windy. I neared the stonemade railing and damn, I would be lying if I wasn't amazed by the view presented in front of me. It was marvelous!

From the right, you could see the wonderful lights of Hawaii together with the hotel we're staying in. It was wonderful. And to the left, the wide ocean that seems to stretch in a never ending horizon with the wonderful hues darting from orange then blue and black. I inhale the fresh air and savor every moment I'm still here, coz by the time we come home, I'll be back to being a student and I need to practice more for that upcoming tournament. Its such a huge privilege to participate in such game play and I wouldn't miss it for my life.


Gideons POV

The party last night was wild, but I could've wish William was there to dance with me and I don't have to endure the creepy hands of those girls from that place. Even my other brothers felt irritated from it.

We all went back to our respective rooms, all drunk and drowsy but still enough to walk and see, as you can see we have high tolerance in alcohol just like dad. Me and Kris slid inside our room and found it was already dark. Soft snores can even be heard around the room so maybe the two left in here are already asleep.

We neared our bed and Kris quickly flop down on the bed, his snores followed as he slept. I pulled my shoes off first and before I can finally settle down on our bed, I took a peek on Faith and Will's bed. Faith was sleeping tightly, his mature yet cute face, faced our bed while I couldn't see Will. Maybe he's tuck under the bedsheets. Sighing, I let myself fall down on the bed and slept, for tomorrow, the best hangover will say present.

Uggh, wish I could snuggle next to Will.


Honestly, I haven't gone to Hawaii. But it is one of the few places that I wanted to travel. The places that I described in there are just my imaginations so no offense.

10 is too much! (Boyxboy)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora