Walter's Café

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Chapter One: Walter's Café

Acairaileene Boyd's left hand is currently under the covers of his warm bed and he was thinking about Amy's Scotts titties. This has been his morning routine for as long as he can remember. Well, he didn't quite think about Amy Scotts titties every time.

Sometimes it's Jamia's boobs.

Sometimes it's Kat's ass.

Sometimes it's Alex's' dick.

And sometimes it's Stephanie. Stephanie's boobs. Stephanie's ass. Stephanie's legs. Sometimes Stephanie. Just Stephanie.

Right now he's also thinking of the AP Earth Science project due tomorrow that he's been procrastinating on. He'd been given six weeks to do it but as a teenage boy his job was to be a professional procrastinator. And he was damn good at it.

Acairaileene is getting close, he can feel it building up. Amy's tits bouncing up and down waiting for him to spread his load all over them.


He's about to cum when someone knocks on the door.

Damn it.

He laid still in bed hoping if he didn't respond whoever it was would assume he was still asleep and leave. A couple seconds pass and Ace relaxed slid his hand down his–


Goddammit. He thought.

"Damn it Ace, stop jerking off to your imaginary girlfriend and open the goddamn door. I need my phone charger."

Ace recognized the voice as Gabe's–his younger brother.

Who are you, Brendon Urie? He thought.

Sighing, he got up and pulled Gabe's charger from the outlet next to his bed. He grabbed a pair of boxers off the floor of his closet, sniffing them to see if they are clean.

Good enough. He slips it on before opening the door.

"Here you go kiddo." He tossed the charger to Gabe who was tapping his right foot impatiently.

"Stop calling me that. I'm 14, that's almost an adult."

"Ok kiddo, whatever helps you sleep at night." Ace grinned.

Gabe rolled his eyes and went back to his room.

After being interrupted Ace wasn't really in the mood to finish jerking it. Yeah, Amy's boobs were great and all but Gabe had interrupted his flow.

If you know what I mean.

Opening his door slightly, Ace peeked at the bathroom door. There were no lights on in the bathroom. Which meant no one was in the bathroom. Which was a rarity, even though there are three full baths in his house. Living in a house with eight other people made it hard to take a shower in the morning and get to school on time. Often times Ace found himself getting up as early as 5 am, despite the fact that his school began at 8:15, just so he could take the first shower.

It was now 5:57. Although Ace does wake up at 5, he doesn't necessarily stay up. He wakes up and goes back to sleep a couple more times and ends up fully waking around 5:40 or so.

"YES!"Ace pumped his fist and jumped in the air. He quickly dashed into his room and got his towel. He didn't even make it two steps towards the bathroom before he saw Gabe (whose room was next to the bathroom) giving him the bird as he walked in.


*After school*

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