4. After That...

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And then...nothing happened.

Jenny realised she had ducked her head down towards her sister, who was covered with her arms. Julie's hands were gripping her skirts just like before.

The older girl looked around and found that they were both in the same room. She had half expected to be transported to some other place just like before and so, the lack of change surprised her beyond words.

The only change she witnessed now was the figure of a tall man in front of her, just inches away from them. Beyond him was the wraith and he seemed to be talking to it.

'Wait...talking?!' she thought in disbelief.

She tried to hear what kind of language he was speaking in, but, after a few seconds, realised that it was not any that she understood...or ever heard. It was truly foreign.

However, to her astonished, the wraith raised its arms, caused a spark of dark light, and disappeared. Jenny was a little relieved, but she did not relax just yet - not until she was sure that the person in front of her was safe to trust.

The man turned around and she very nearly let out a gasp; for, he was wearing some kind of old-fashioned clothes. They appeared to be riding ones-boots and breeches and a whip at his side. Also, he was taller than her by a head or two.

Above all, he was positively glowing!

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't introduce myself properly to you lovely young ladies." He gave them a low bow. "My name is Benjamin Goodacre and I live in the mansion you're staying at."

"Goodacre?" mused Jenny, her grip on Julie tightening just a little bit. "Haven't I heard of that somewhere?"

His eyes twinkled as he answered, "Indeed, my name is quite reputed in these parts. My family has been here for generations and hence, it's natural."

"I see," said Jenny, her wall still in place. "So, what's the deal with you? Why are we here? Wait - did you bring us here?!"

The man shrugged nonchalantly. "I may have," he responded, simply.

In a move that was sudden and swift even for human standards, she had her free hand clasping Benjamin's shirt, bringing him so close to her face that his nose was just an inch away from hers. She ignored the silver 'G' that dangled out of his shirt from a silver chain.

"You will give me definite answers, you hear me?" she hissed fiercely. It brought her some kind of ruthless satisfaction to see him cowering at that.

"Yes, ma'am," he mumbled with fear.

"Good." She released him.

He cleared his throat and spoke in his normal tone: "Yes, I have brought you here, for this is about the only place the wraith can rarely enter to get to you."

"So, you think it wanted us?"

"Yes, that is what I think." He was not smiling now; in fact, he was trying his best not to scowl at her!

'Good 19th Century manners he must have,' thought Jenny, angrily. Aloud, she said in neutral tones, "Okay, so what do we do now? Get out? Since the threat is over?"

"Go out?! Are you insane!? It'll get you as soon as you step out of this house!"

Jenny spread her arms. "So? What?"

Benjamin sighed. "I suppose you must know a few things before...before we do anything...rash."


Author's Note:

So? How's the story so far? What guesses do you have about Benjamin Goodacre?

By the way, that's Benjamin Goodacre in the header. I think his expression in this picture is perfect for a while! *grins like the Cheshire Cat*

The Goodacre Chronicles #1: The Piper QuestWhere stories live. Discover now