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twenty five;

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twenty five;


silence engulfed the en suite of the shilla. the silence was awkward and unbearable on jennie's part.

lisa's heart had finally rested and she was just emotionally drained and tired. she wanted alone time but didn't want jisoo to feel even worse than she already did, if she left.

she couldn't blame her for not reciprocating the same feelings back to her, after all her feelings for jisoo haven't changed or lessen. the feelings were still there beating strong and she wasn't sure how long it would take to heal her broken heart, as cliche as it may sound.

but the girl was truly heartbroken, saddened and just didn't know how to properly react. she wanted to be mad at jisoo but she couldn't- she shouldn't be anyways.

chaeyoung sat on one of the exquisite couches staring at the small interaction between the three.

jennie walked over to chaeyoung and sat down.

she needed to tell them that she needed to leave immediately.

but she didn't know how to break this deafening silence.

she finally took initiative and tapped chaeyoung's shoulder, "i need to say something."


"i need to go home." jennie muttered, "like... really soon." chaeyoung stayed silent. she wasn't sure what she wanted to say.

"why?" lisa asked instead of chaeyoung.

"the devils called." jennie muttered in an angered tone.


"yeah, so i don't want to aggravate them even more by stalling time."

"we'll come with you." chaeyoung suggested.

"no, none of yous are coming with me. i'm going to face them myself."

"are you going to continue living with them after this?" chaeyoung asked.

jennie bowed her head shamefully, "i- i don't know, okay!?"

"but what i do know is that i need to go, like right now."

the girls let out a string of sighs and watched as jennie began packing all her belongings.

"are we just going to watch her pack everything and go back to those monsters?" lisa asked the other two with a whisper.

chaeyoung shook her head and stood up. jennie entered the bathroom and grabbed the rest of her toiletry things. when she was out of range chaeyoung spoke up.

"i have a plan guys."


jennie had left already the city life with a taxi, not informing the girls. she was in a rush.

meanwhile the rest of the group were already making their way back to jennie's home in the car.

"did you contact the police?" chaeyoung asked.

"yes, i filed a report for domestic abuse withing the household and gave them the address." jisoo replied.

yes that is right. chaeyoung's plan was to make everything right. to turn the four girl's terrible lives upside down and maybe, just maybe give them a bright future that they deserved. she was going to do the right thing.

first step in succeeding her plan was freeing jennie from her abusive and neglectful parents. they had filed a report against them.

they arrived at jennie' household but the police hadn't arrived just yet.

chaeyoung was first to exit the car then followed the rest, they knew jennie had arrived as her bags were left stranded in front of the door.

shouts and cries were heard from outside the household and that's when they knew things were going horribly.

the door had been left open and with that the girls scurried inside, with chaeyoung leading.

chaeyoung ran upstairs to the sound without hesitation. she felt free of fear and fright. she wanted to help jennie- she wanted to save her.

lisa called out to her telling her to stop. chaeyoung ignored her and kept running up the staircase.

"stay there chaeyoung! i'll go instead! it could be dangerous!" lisa called from behind. chaeyoung yelled a firm no back and finally reached the top. she heard the cries coming from the bedroom.

she breathed in and out continuously until she reached the door. she pushed it slightly open and she immediately closed her eyes.

behind the door held a disgusting and horrible scene.

jennie with little to no clothing and two men in the room. no sign of a woman who could be her mother was present.

jennie was whaling. when jennie got louder a loud smack echoed throughout the hallways.

chaeyoung was frozen, she didn't know what to do.

chaeyoung felt tears form and she covered her mouth. then suddenly a hand touched her shoulder.

she screamed. she turned her head and met the eyes of lisa and jisoo, "calm down, it's just me." lisa took in chaeyoung's expression.

"what's wrong?" chaeyoung shook her head and pointed at the door.

jennie screamed again, it was a heartbreaking one. a scream of giving up and sadness.

jisoo immediately ran to the door and pushed it open. she felt a wave of adrenaline kick in for the first time in her life. she felt determined and brave- a feeling so foreign to the once weak girl.

but she did not expect to see the scene in front of her.

a man was sitting in the corner of the room with a cigar in his hand (which she assumed was the father), as he watched another man touching jennie inappropriately.

he stopped what he was doing and stared at jisoo.

"we have another guest do we?" he smirked.

jisoo needed a plan quickly.

jisoo looked at the corner of her eye and fortunately found a wooden chair. as the man approached she grabbed it skilfully and threw it over his head, knocking him out cold.

but before she could run over to help jennie she felt a hard object smashed hard against her head. and that's when she found herself drowning in a black abyss with the sound of the police sirens and the girl's screams being the last things she heard.


a/n; AS IF IT'S YOUR LAST! AMAZING! i wanna learn the dance so bad, but is suck at dancing ugh): anyways, changed the book to ESCAPE not thrills anymore.

+++ kimjongdone wrote one sentence of this chapter woop

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