Chapter six

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After we hung out at the wall we went home because Connor called and said to head home.

As we where walking home Emily elbows me and says " so you and Matt eh" .

I instantly feel my checks redden and I know she can see them. she starts smiling like a manic and said " yeeep we can DOUBLE DATE OMG !!! " .

I finally get here to stop yelling and say " I really don't think I have much of a chance". She looks at me like I just said I hate Starbucks.

She just puts up her hand and says " just NO just no."

We get back to the house and I yell " were HOME " and J.C comes down the stairs and tells me " Emily, Tim said you can spend the night he dropped of some clothes there up Bella's room."

"Okay thanks" said Emily

I walk into the kitchen with Emily following me I get one jar of Nutella and one jar of marshmallow fluff and head up to my room."

When I get to my room I shut the door and hop on the bed and get two spoons out of my drawer don't ask I just like midnight Nutella.

We where watching a movie called cyber bully and both balling our eyes out. then Emily's phone went off.

She looks at me and says "Hayes is having a party wanna go he said you can come".

"Yea that sounds fun" I reply happily
"But I have to ask J.C or someone first".

"Okay go ask them" Emily said

I hopped of the bed and ran downstairs to see kian and Andrea making out on the couch.

I scream" my poor innocent eyes"! they look up and both of them turn bright red. Ricky comes running out asking " What what's wrong" then J.C and Connor. during them coming out Andrea leaves. I explain what happened and all the boys are laughing except me and Kian.

Once the boys collect themselves J.C said " so kian we all have rooms" he says very calmly then shouts " SO USE IT".

I'm pretty sure kian couldn't be blushing anymore. I go up to kian and give him a hug he says sorry and I tell him that it's okay.

Then he goes up to his room. I turn around and ask J.C " hey so Emily's boyfriend is having a party do you think I could go please"

J.C replies " umm let me conference ".
Uh okay then I say and him Connor, Ricky and Trevor huddle up and talk in hushed whisper.

Then they turn around and say " yes you can go but be back by 1:00 sharp okay have fun. "thanks" I say running up the stairs.

I open the bedroom door and Emily is I the shower. she turns the shower off and come out. "I can go" I tell Emily.

Great! she says and tells me " if you want to start getting ready I'm going to dry my hair ".

" Ok that's fine " I take a quick shower get out and blow dry my hair.

I go out and ask Emily who is sitting on the bed watching girl code I say " do you think you could do my hair"?

"Yea totally oh and I picked out an outfit for you and shoes for you there over there by your desk." I walk over there an she picked out washed out Hollister jeans. white low cut All star converse and a diamond shirt. I put it on and walk out Emily says " daummm girl you be looking good" I laugh.

She has me sit down and plugs in a curling iron and starts to loose curl my hair.

Then she puts eyeshadow , mascara and eyeliner and let's me look.

I love it I screech she finishes getting ready and we head down stairs.

Hey guys thanks sooooo much over 1,500 reads I love you all sorry for not updating love you allll

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