Chapter three

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A/n sorry haven't updated almost 60 reads thanks everyone alrite and let the story continue .............,,................

Annabelle's pov

I wake up with a funny felling wait a minute is that happiness I'm felling no way! I haven't felt that in so long and honestly it felt like heaven! I roll out of bed and run to me closer wondering what to wear than all of the sudden I hear oohhhh Bella conner asks I turn around and say " what did you call me ?" connor just says Bella its your new nickname like it? yea I do actually ok good he says anyway well we have to go to a meet up and jc wants to ask you something so get ya but downstairs fine

i get down stairs and everyone was sitting there so I sat next to connor and Kian jc started talking and he said " so scence we are youtube famous we need to know if you want ti be in the videos or not?" I say yes with a lot of enthusiasm ok than we will continue so here are some house rules first no dating till your fourteen we do not have a maid so we do Sunday cleaning and lastly no dating Trevor that one kind of got me I mean I am twelve and he is like fifteen so in response I started to choke and Connor and kian just start laughing and I look at Trevor just is giving jc a death glare in the process of all of this after I gain my breath again

Jc says now for the YouTube rules he says first when we go to meet and greets you have to come when we go to vidcon which are big you tube events and other events you don't have to go its up to you but when we go on tour you do have to come now that's all understand yea I nod than ask if we can eat food cause I was starving!!!!! sure you want to go out or I can make something ummm can I make something ? I asked hopefully before my parent's dropped me off at the orphanage I used to cook all the time jc said yes I was so excited I can't wait so I decided on making French toast

I get out all the ingredients and start making breakfast I was almost done with the French toast when I decided to make Somme eggs with it into so I finish making three whole loves of French toast and 16 scrambled eggs I set the table and yell " BREAKFAST time guys everyone comes down and sits down and the look at it and dig in and Connor asks my god Bella where the hell did you learn to cook like this well before my parents dropped me off at the orphanage I would go down to the local soup kitchen and cook as much as I could so I naturally love to cook and that will be a dolor says jc I look over at him and utter confusion and he takes out a jar and puts it on the counter and says every time someone says a bad word that have to put a dollar in got it guys and the money goes to bella a smile as wide as a river appears on my face I am going to be rich Connor stands up and puts a dollar in.

After breakfast I made the boys do the dishes because I cooked then all the boys came into my room and asked if I wanted to go to an amusement park I was so excited I couldn't wait we all hopped into two cars and started our drive to bush gardens when we get there we decided to on The best ride there and it was so fun when we got off we went on a few other rides than decided to get something to eat when we where mobbed with screaming teenage girls and I got lost I was standing there and the boys where nowhere in sight I started to panic when Ricky came over screaming GUYS SHES OVER HERE !!!!!! He tells me to take real deep breaths then all the guys come over to me as I slowly regain my breath then we went to get something to eat when we got to the restaurant I ordered an cheese burger with French fries and all the guys ordered that same thing the. We divided to go home when we got there we watched a movie and everyone fell asleep ................

A N hey guys 100 reads please comment plz thanks love you guys

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