Chapter four

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I woke up on the couch and my head on Sam's lap and my feet on Trevor's lap I screamed bloody Murder  which woke everyone up in alarm and asked me what happened well the reason I screamed cause there is a guy I don't know eating donuts and drinking coffee at the dinning room table all as I explained that to the guys that went something like this who the hell is that!!!!! Language !! Says jc I just roll my eyes in annoyance and ask who is he the guys are all pretty normal about this guy so I guess that they knew him but the guy is still just siting there while this whole thing went down. Kian spoke up and said

Oh that's Timothy he is our agent for our channel oh and before you ask he has a key and he brought his cousin Emily she's about your age. Ok ummm where is she? Umm that's a good question hey Tim where's Emily? Oh her mom is coming bye and is going to drop her off later she is really wired just letting you know ahead of time so yup want a donut umm no thanks I am going to get dress now so yup and I ran out of the room you have no idea how very like extremely awkward that was.

I ran upstairs to my room and run in the shower even though I took one last night I like my hair when its wet it looks way better so I put on some music and hopped in the shower when Let It Go by demi lovato came on I started singing and well lets just say I don't plan on trying out for the X - factor anytime soon I am horribly tone deaf so I started to sing at the top of my lungs and jc kian and Connor knock my door down and I screamed and say " what the flupping hell?" oh we thought something happened we heard this horrible shrieking noise coming from up hear and we wanted to know if you where okay we tried to knock on you door but you weren't  answering so um ya sorry said kian. what was that horrid noise asked jc. OH well that was me singing I  am a little of key so yea Connor quickly reply's honey that wasn't singing that wasn't a little of key either that is a whale mating call he then snaps his fingers in a z formation and struts his stuff out the door or knocked down door. (Oh and if your wondering she has her bathrobe on the whole time so yea) ok I replay and ask them to get out so I can get dressed the happily agree and this time I put in headphones into my phone and start dancing around singing quietly  this time any way I made my way to my closet after my quick jam sesh. I picked out tight black skinny jeans my favorite teal lace TOMS  a  sweater of marlyin Monroe and a red knit  beanie  I loosely curled my hair and walked out my door I am not a big fan of make up cause its really irritating  and stuff then I walked out the door and headed down stairs where tims cousin Emily was sitiing upside down on the couch talking to the boys. I go and sit down on the couch next to ricky and connor across from upside down Emily. Then   Tim comes in the room and says oh ya that's Emily said Tim oh and here's forty bucks go do some girly thing or what ever me and the boys have some business  issues to talk about so you guys go do what ever be back in two hours said Tim oh here you go Bella he gave me a credit card said jc he said don't go crazy and with that we both walk out and decided to go to Starbucks.


~~A/N hey loves sorry I took so long to update but 200 reads oh my flipping gosh thanks sooooo much I love you guys comment vote thanks loves ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


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