Big Wishes

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Dh'Vhine was 13 years old and she lived with her Aunt Brenai and older sister Danillia. She was the youngest in the house which made her feel left out. Her sister was 27 and her Aunt was 58. Although she was really close to her sister, they constantly had fights. She wished she could be the same age with her sister. Just to wake up one morning and be 27 going on 28.
"Hey Dh'Vhine hurry get up you have to take the trash out and go to the supermarket, I have to work and you have to run the errands," Danillia scolded.

Dh'Vhine rolled off her bed and opened her curtains. She walked to her bathroom and went straight to the shower.
"Hey Dh'Vhine, you need to buy Aunt Brenai's medicine for her and get the stuff we ordered online, be back home by twelve because Bryan is coming over and we need the house spotless."

"Danillia how the hell am I supposed to be back at twelve o'clock, it's nine o'clock and I have to make so many rounds, I don't even have a vehicle "

"Hello, Dh'Vhine, I don't care just hurry up"

Danillia left the house for work while Dh'Vhine was in the shower. Ten minutes later Dh'Vhine finished showering, she threw on a T-Shirt dress and an adidas shoe and put her hair in a messy bun.

"Aunt Brenai, I'm leaving now I'll be back soon."
She didn't hear her Aunt answer which meant she was still asleep . She walked out of the house with everything she needed. Dh'Vhine waited for a bus but after twenty minutes she still didn't see one so she began walking.

"Hey boo thang, give me a minute lemme talk to you," a cute, caramel coloured skinned guy on his bike stopped her.

She didn't answer him, she just continued walking. He rode up next to her.

"Come on, I know you hear me, answer me angel. What's yo number?"

"As you can tell I'm not interested so can you please ride off, go chill on the block or something."

"Sassy, I like it"

Dh'Vhine continued walking and rolled her eyes. The unknown guy roughly pulled her hand.

"Hey! Stop! Don't pull my hand!"

"I don't mean to be hard on you but I really think you're cute"

"Ok fine I'll give you my number but don't play me"

He let go of her arm and gave her his phone. She typed in her number and name. He thanked her and rode off. Finally after so long she got a bus and it took her to her destination in no time.
Dh'Vhine went straight to the pharmacy to get Aunt Brenai's medication. It took about ten minutes but she got it after all. Afterwards she went to pick up some items that her sister ordered online. It was already eleven thirty so she had to rush to the supermarket. She got her groceries and called a taxi.

"Hey can I order a taxi please I'm at the Brooklyn town centre in the parking lot, I need to be in Apartment 32 Brooklyn."

The taxi came in about twenty minutes and she got home so quickly. When her phone connected to the wifi she saw a message from the unknown guy. She couldn't answer him yet because she had to clean up the house on her own.
           She tried cleaning up the house by ten past twelve. When she was done she cooked something for her sister and her boyfriend to eat when they got there. Her phone began to ring she ran and answered it.

"Hello, good afternoon Dh'Vhine's phone."

"Hey boo thang it's me, Shawn."

"Oh, hey what's up?"

"Well I was wondering if you would like to meet up sometime to chill at the park or something."

"Sure, tomorrow at 12?"

"Ok cutie. I'll meet you there."



Dh'Vhine finished preparing the meal and waited for Bryan to arrive. Not too long after she heard a car pull up in the yard, she ran to the kitchen to plate the food and placed them nicely on the table.
"Hey Dh'Vhine how are you?" Bryan asked.

"I'm good, what about you?"

"I'm good, your sister said you seemed like you needed someone to talk to so let's go to your room."

"Sure let's go."

As they walked to the room he whispered in her ears.

"You look sexy in that T-Shirt dress."

"Th-th-th-thank you,"

He squeezed her butt tightly and she began walking up the stairs faster. When they entered the room he closed and locked the door. She sat on the bed nervously.

"Um, I just wish I was older to a udo what I want."

"Lay down on your bed now!"

She lay down on her bed fearfully. His voice changed, he became demanding. He seduced her and she was only thirteen. She was scared and didn't know what to do.

"Since you want to be grown up, this is what grown ups do!"

Dh'Vhine began crying and she tried pushing him away but he wouldn't move. All she could wish was he would stop. But he didn't. Well not until he heard a car pull up.

"Hurry up and dress!"

She quickly dressed and run to the door.

"Hey sis let me take your bag?"

"Yeah sure, where's Bryan?"

His name made Dh'Vhine sick to her stomach. She knew she couldn't tell her sister what had happened. She just played it cool and kept her emotions in.  Bryan walked toward the door and stood next to Dh'Vhine while holding her waist.

"So I guess you guys spoke, you look........ closer now!" Danillia said surprised.

"Oh yeah we're closer alright!" Bryan replied

Will Dh'Vhine tell Danillia what happened? Find out in the next chapter. Thanks for reading! 😌

Adult at 13 Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang