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Elliot's POV

I watched as Olivia lost her hair and got thinner. She was exhausted, but always managed to be happy and upbeat when Gus and Hanna were around.

She was looking sicker, but getting better. The tumors were shrinking, and her heart wasn't causing her anymore troubles. 

But even though she looked sick, she was fighting this, being fearless and being the amazing woman she is. My love for her grew, and I edged towards the idea of making our relationship official.

"How are you feeling?" I asked, as I entered the guestroom she is staying in, and where I was sleeping most nights, carrying a tray with tea on it, her favorite go to drink right now.

"Tired." She yawned, but then smiled.

"There is that beautiful smile." I smiled, before sitting the tray over her lap and then kissing her forehead.

"Are the kids in bed?" She asked, as she sipped the tea.

"Yeah. Hanna and Gus were going to come in here and attempt to sleep, but I told them no." I chuckled, and she smiled.

"Well, maybe we can do something tomorrow if I'm not tired." She breathed, and I pushed part of her scarf back, since it was falling down onto her forehead.

"I won't bring it up to the kids. Just take it easy." I replied, and she nodded slowly.

"I love you." I breathed, as she continued to drink her tea.

"Really? I always thought you pitied me." She giggled, a noise that I haven't heard in awhile. I smiled and leaned in and kissed her softly, our lips melting together.

"I know this sounds childish, but why don't we make it official." I smiled, and she looked at me with confusion.

"I kinda thought we were already together. Like you have been with me through all of this."

"Yeah, but we haven't said it out loud yet."

"Well, do you wanna date?" She asked, and I laughed.

"Olivia, will you be my girlfriend?" I asked her, without answering her question. She smiled and nodded. 

I kissed her again and then I saw a tear on her cheek.

"Liv?" I asked.

"Sorry. I'm so happy." She breathed, and I kissed her again. I moved her tray to the bedside table before holding her.


A hour or so after the kids got home from school the next day, Liv was sitting in the living room, where we were setting up a game of UNO, which the kids love.

"Mommy!" Hanna squealed, as she ran towards Liv. Liv picked her up and kissed her forehead.

"Hey babes. Do you and Gus wanna play some UNO?" Liv asked, as Gus came over and stood next to her, a smile on his lips.

"I wanna play, Liv!" Gus exclaimed, and she chuckled, and they all smiled.

"Come on, lets get this going!" I exclaimed.


Olivia's POV

I wasn't sick anymore. Well, I still had cancer, but the tumors were gone, and I was going to live, the doctors knew that. I was a fighter.

"I had so much fun last night." Elliot smiled as he handed me a book, as he entered the chemo room.

"I did too. The kids were talking about all night." I smiled, and he nodded. He kissed my bald head before sitting down and pulling out a book.

"Can you hand me my phone?" I asked, and he nodded. He handed me my phone, and I was quick to call the squad.

"Detective Amanda Rollins, Manhattan SVU." Amanda answered and I smiled.

"Glad to know you are still alive." I chuckled.

"Liv!" She exclaimed, and I smiled.

"How is everything?" I questioned.

"Good. We can't wait for you to get back from your trip. How is that vacation going?" She asked, and I bit my lip.

I had decided that my cancer was going to be a secret from the squad. Chief Dodds and Tucker helped me keep it quiet, and I was going to be on a "trip" until I was cleared and could go back to work. Then it was going to be hard to hide.

"It's good. I'm surprisingly tanner than I usually am." I smiled, and she chuckled.

"Oh! Liv, Fin wants to speak to you."

"Okay. Hand him over." I smiled.

It took a moment before Fin spoke.

"Benson, you need to get your ass back here. I have no idea why you left." He spoke, but I could here the bit of humor.

"Fin, I'll be back in a month. Hanna and I need this." I stated.

"Come on, baby girl, I just want to have everything back in order. Declan is a fucking dick also." He added and I laughed.

"Okay, well-" I started, but then my nurse walked up.

"Olivia, are you ready to start?"

"Liv, what are you starting?" Fin asked,and tears welled in my eyes. I looked to Elliot and he grabbed my phone. He hung up and frowned.

"He is going to figure out that I'm not in an exotic place. I'm in a fucking hospital, and I'm bald."

Elliot asked the nurse to give us a minute, and he calmed me down and kissed me.

"We will deal with this, beautiful."

"I'm not beautiful."

"You are the most beautiful woman I have ever met. You may be bald, but either way, I think you are sexy, hot, beautiful, stunning." He spoke, and I hugged him.

"Make me cry again,thanks."


A month later, my chemo was over and I was getting stronger, and I could go back to work. I had gotten a wig, hoping it wouldn't be noticeable, but when I walked out to get my coffee, I saw my reflection in the mirror in the hall.

"Fuck." I swore.

"Liv?" Elliot asked as he came into the hallway and saw me peal the wig from my head.

"I can't wear it." I frowned, and he ran his hand over my head.

"I like you this way." He smiled.

"They will know right away. Maybe I should just wear my scarf." I mumbled, and he nodded.

"I'll go get one that matches your shirt." He spoke, and I nodded.

He came down after a few minutes and I put my scarf on, and sighed.

"Wish me luck."


I bought coffee for the squad and carried it in. They weren't there, since I am always early. I put them on their desks, and then went into my office. I took my pills after I ate a breakfast sandwich I got at the coffee shop, and then I started to see them come in. 

"Liv!" Amanda exclaimed, as she rushed to my office, but she stopped half way when she saw that I no longer had.

"W-what happened?" She stuttered. The rest of the squad came in, and tears welled in my eyes.

"I have cancer."

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