I'm not sure if he's fully okay

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Thomas's POV

It took about an hour and a half to confiscate every sharp object from James. Razors, scissors, mechanical pencils, and I also took away his pencil sharpeners. He was annoyed about the pencil sharpeners, but didn't argue much.

"Y-You know why I'm doing this... right?" I whispered, squeezing his hand. James nodded a bit and sniffed. Tears formed in his eyes and I wiped them away with my thumb.

An hour or two ago he had started cutting his wrists.

James mumbled, "I-I just... I don't wanna be in this... this body." I led him over to the couch and we sat down. He continued, "He... He touched m-me, Thomas, and... I... I feel gross. I feel wrong. Everything is... i-I keep taking showers a-and scratching at my skin b-but it..." James sobbed and hugged me tightly. I rubbed his back as he cried, "This feeling won't g-go away!"

I held him tighter in my arms and traced patterns on his back. Before I could even tell him to, he started taking deep breaths on counts of 6. "Do you need your inhaler, darling?" I asked. James nodded and I laid him on the couch. I rushed to the bedroom and grabbed his inhaler.

James was curled up in a ball, sobbing and gasping. I have him his inhaler and he quickly used it.

I hate seeing him like this. I hate seeing James broken like this and knowing there's nothing I can do. He won't tell me who did this and I can't knock the teeth out of who did it if I dON'T KNOW WHO DID IT!


Deep breaths Thomas...

But James doesn't want to tell me. He isn't ready to talk about it. That's fine. When he's ready to talk about it, we can talk about it. No matter if that's in 2 days or 20 years. That's okay, and I can live with that.

See, fuckers, I'm nicer now and I'm not an asshole. Go fuck yourselves. Yeah, I saw all those death threats. Assholes.

"Alright James I'm gonna te Ch you a bunch of science junk right now." I whispered, "You don't want this body anymore right?" James nodded and wiped his nose. I began to explain, "In about 6 or 7 years, somewhere around that, you will have completely new skincells all over your body... completely new skin that he hasn't touched..."

James smiled a bit and buried his face in my chest. I asked, "Can you hold out that long for me, darling?" James looked at me for a moment before nodding. I smiled and kissed his forehead. "You wanna cuddle? Pop some popcorn? Watch a movie? C'mon I know you'd die for buttered popcorn."

James giggled and mumbled, "Guilty as charged." I hopped off the couch and grabbed The Little Mermaid out of our movie collection. After popping some popcorn and getting a large bag of m&m's, we cuddled and wached the movie together.

An hour in there was a knock on the door. It was around 10 pm who the hell could be knocking this late? James opened his eyes a little and I pulled the blanket over him. "Go back to sleep, gorgeous." I whispered, kissing his cheek and standing up. The knocking continued and I walked to the door.

The door opened before I could open it.

"Thomas hey! Is James here?~" Reynolds purred, leaning on the doorway. I frowned and looked back at James. His eyes were wide and his skin was a bit paler than usual. He shook his head and pulled the blanket over him head.

Oh hell no do not fucking tell me this week was bitch is the one that hurt my Jemmie.

"No he isn't here but can we step outside for a moment?" I growled, shoving him out of the doorway and slamming the door closed behind us. Reynolds glared at me and opened his mouth to insult. But before he could get a word out I threw my fist into his jaw.

He stumbled back and held it in pain, tears forming. Reynolds growled and grabbed me by my hair, pulling me forward and slamming our foreheads together. He pinned me to the wall and kneed my stomach. I shoved him off and kicked his crotch. I laughed as he almost fell to his knees. My ribs were bruised and ached everytime I moved, but I didn't care.

"You know he's a screamer~ Real hot when he's pinned to his knees~"

I shouted in anger, "YOU SHUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTH!" I tackled him to the ground and punched him anywhere I could. Then I slammed our foreheads together. Reynolds screamed, "MERCY MERCY MERCY!!!"

I got off of him and shouted, "Are you gonna hurt James again?!"

"N-no!" He cried, standing up and wiping blood off his face.

"Reynolds," I growled, pulling him forward by his collar. "You get the fuck off my property and you stay the fuck away from James, do you hear me?" He nodded and I shoved him. Reynolds whimpered and ran to his car as fast as he could.

I took a few deep breaths before walking back inside. James was curled up in a ball under three new thick blankets. I pulled the blankets away so only his soft curly hair was showing.

"Hey, darling," I whispered, "It's okay, you can come out now." James peeked a bit above the blankets and his eyes were red and puffy. I sat next to him on the couch and he scooted closer to my arms. Carefully, I pulled him into my lap and rubbed circles on his back.

"...Did you fight him?" He asked. I laughed and joked, "No I just bruised my own ribs and broke my own nose." James smiled and looked up at me. Tears rolled down his cheeks and I whispered, "You're safe. I promise."

James reached for my hand and intertwined our fingers. I raised his hand to my lips and kissed it. "I love you, Thomas... Please don't leave me again... I'm willing to live and stay here for you, but... but not if you don't cooperate." He whispered. I nodded and kissed each knuckle and finger over and over.

"I promise you, James," I whispered, "I'm going to cooperate. I want this relationship to last a lifetime... you mean the world to me." James chuckled, "You mean the world to me too..." I smiled.

Suddenly James pulled me forward and kissed me, wrapping his arms around my neck. I kissed back and ran a hand through his hair. "I love you, Jemmie." I whispered.

James smiled and whispered back, "I love you more... and I'm going to stay alive for you, I promise. I'm going to try."

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