26: Marooned In This Body

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A/N: Trade Mistakes might end in 10 chapters or so.

Chapter 26: Marooned in This Body


Kourin woke up and looked around her room, she noticed how her vision became all blurry and she couldn't move her own body. Again.

Kourin moaned when she felt her head ache, she called for Suiko. "S-Sui…ko… Suiko!"

Suiko then went inside Kourin's room and saw her younger sister hurt. She quickly helped her to sit. "Are you okay, Kourin?" Suiko asked as she held Kourin.

"I-I don't… feel well…" Kourin replied weakly, "I can't… I can't see anything!" She cried. "Suiko! Help me!"

"Kourin, I'm right here. Don't worry, I'm here." Suiko whispered and embraced Kourin, soothing her.

"Why can't I… see a thing?" Kourin asked, she buried her face on Suiko's shoulders. "Why?"

"Just calm down and take a little rest, it will come off later." Suiko told her and Kourin nodded. Kourin closed her eyes and calmed down, still embracing her sister.

"Kourin, we're taking you back to the hospital." Suiko said.

"I see..." Kourin mumbled and breathed. Suddenly she felt her chest pained and she coughed, Kourin covered her mouth with her hand and when she hacked up, there were blood. Kourin couldn't see it but she could feel the warm liquid on her hand.

"Oh god…" Suiko muttered as she saw her sister, she became worried on Kourin.

Kourin was brought to the hospital, she needed to be taken care of. Unfortunately, her illness became bad again. Even though she had her therapy. Kourin would never thought it would suddenly attack her.

Kourin woke and noticed how her vision went back to normal, yet she still couldn't move her body. She was lying down and all she could move is her head and her arms.

When the door opened, Suiko and Rekka was there. Kourin looked at them and gave a sad smile. "I'm sorry, I'm such a burden to you guys."

Rekka shook her head and went to Kourin, "No don't blame yourself. And you're not a burden for us, not at all. We love you, Kourin."

"I'm really… sorry…" Kourin whispered.

"Kourin, stop being all negative! You're going to be cured! Then, you'll go with Aichi and get married to him." Rekka said in a teasing manner, she smirked.

Kourin blushed and looked down, "That last part was uncalled for."

"Hehe…" Rekka then smiled as she looked at Suiko who nodded at her.

"Kourin, your friends and fiance are here." Suiko said and Kourin looked at her, she saw her friends Misaki, Naoki, and Shingo. She blushed when Aichi appeared behind Misaki.

"I'll leave you all here, Suiko and I still needs to talk with the doctors so see you guys later!" Rekka said and went out of the room with Suiko.

"So uh…" Naoki spoke, "Me and Shingo heard about your health from Misaki-senpai and Aichi. Um, I hope you get better."

"Thank you Ishida." Kourin said.

"I can't believe it, Kourin-san. You were getting better after your last therapy," Shingo said as he adjusted his glasses.

"I can't believe it too, I was better yesterday and the past few weeks." Kourin replied and then looked at Aichi.

"Aichi, did you tell them?" Kourin asked.

"T-tell what?" Aichi asked back, blinking.

"About us, idiot." Kourin told him and frowned.

Aichi then laughed nervously and shook his head, "Shall I tell them now?"

Kourin nodded, then the other three got confused by what the couple were saying.

"Okay, so me and Kourin-chan… uh…" Aichi stuttered, "I… proposed to her already. So…"

"Wait what?!" Naoki yelled, "So you mean that your sister telling us Aichi's your fiance is true?!"

"Yes," Kourin agreed. She looked at their shocked reaction and she expected those. Kourin sighed.

"If you two are engaged, you're going to get married. But when?" Misaki asked.

Aichi was the one to answer, "After we graduate, that is."

"Damn, y'all are too young to get married. Did you somehow planted a miracle on her that you guys decided to marry?" Naoki asked Aichi and snickered when he noticed the blunette blush.

"Ishida, you ungrateful prick!" Shingo smacked Naoki's head and Naoki winced in pain. Causing the other three to laugh.

"No but really? A young marriage." Misaki wondered, then she looked at Aichi and to Kourin. "Aren't you guys too young?"

"Don't ask me, Misaki. Ask that romantic idiot." Kourin glared at Aichi, Aichi only looked away.

"You know, I'll just talk to Aichi later on about this. You may need some rest, Kourin." Misaki said. "We'll see you again tomorrow or so."

Kourin nodded and then watched them as they started to walk out. "See you guys."

Kourin was staring at the white ceiling, she was starting to feel weaker than she is. She could feel her chest throbbing in pain, and all she could do is to call her sisters.

When Kourin was being helped by Suiko, she couldn't help but to cry about herself. "Suiko… I really don't like this. Any of this."

"Kourin…" Suiko stared at Kourin.

"I really don't know why of all people, I am the one to get this." Kourin sobbed, "I'm stuck in this weak and frail body... I'm tired of being like this… I'm so tired…"

Suiko only bit her lip, unsure what to say to Kourin. All she could do is to hold her hand and look at her.

"Suiko, tell me… Will I ever go to the part where everything is okay? Where I can be with someone that I love?"

"I'm sure you will, Kourin. You're a strong girl." Suiko said and smiled at Kourin.

Kourin looked at her hand, "I want to go with my friends and… with Aichi."

Kourin then closed her eyes to take a breath and rest.

"I sure hope I do…" Kourin muttered under her breath and held Suiko's hand back.


Trade Mistakes (Aichi x Kourin)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin