7: Sentimental Boy

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Chapter 7: Sentimental Boy


Aichi was walking to school, yet he did see any signs of Kourin. He didn't saw her either on the room when he went straight there.

Aichi thought that Kourin is still sick, so he tried to call on her phone. But then, no one is answering.

'Kourin-chan… I'm so worried about her...' He said to himself and sighed. 'I wonder why something seemed wrong yesterday.'

"Hey Aichi, is Kourin still sick?" Naoki appeared next to him and Aichi glanced back.

"I guess so, ever since yesterday when her fever attacked her I couldn't get in touch with her." Aichi said.

Naoki stared at Aichi and notice how he frowned, he also noticed Aichi's hand as he held his phone to try and message Kourin; Aichi's hands were trembling.

"Are you okay, Aichi?" Naoki asked.

"Oh, yes… I'm okay, Naoki-kun." Aichi replied and gave a smile.

"I see… well, I hope Kourin will be okay…" Naoki told and sighed, he thought that Kourin might be better at time.

Misaki saw that as she had lunch with him, Naoki and Shingo, she noticed that Aichi was being down. She was getting worried for the blunette since it was unlike him. But Misaki knew it's because of Kourin; since Aichi always talked about her ever since they met and how he's excited that they would find each other again. They did find each other, but now that Kourin is sick and hasn't been replying to any messages or calls Aichi sent; Aichi had gotten sad.

"Are you really okay?" She asked Aichi.

But Aichi gave an assuring smile to her and replied, "I am."

Misaki knew he's not. She sighed and tapped Aichi's back, "Aichi, I know you can't lie to me. You're worried about Kourin, right?"

Aichi then sighed in defeat, he knew it's useless to lie to the Boss Lady. "Yes, I'm sorry Misaki-san. I'm just… really worried about her. I mean… we haven't seen each other for years and when we meet again, all that happens is that Kourin-chan got sick."

Misaki then patted his shoulders and gave a small smile, "Aichi, don't say that. Kourin will get better and you can continue being friends with her, I believe you two can."

"Thank you Misaki-san."

"No problem, Aichi."

It was time to go home and Aichi hurriedly went out of the school, he saw that the middle school students are now going home. Then, he saw Rekka by herself and about to go to the car.

"Rekka-chan!" Aichi hurried to her.

"Oh, Aichi?" Rekka looked at him.

Aichi panted, he breathed before speaking. "Where… where is Kourin-chan? I-Is she okay?"

Rekka blinked before giving a sad smile, "She's okay, Aichi. She just need some rest."

"I see!" Aichi then sighed in relief, "I was so worried, you know? I couldn't contact Kourin-chan and I don't know where you live. So it was quite hard for me to try to find her. It's a good thing you also go to the same school as us!"

Rekka then looked down, 'I'm so sorry, Aichi. I can't tell you the truth, even though Kourin wants to, it's hard. We don't want any of you to get hurt because of this.'

"Rekka-chan?" Aichi got confused as to why suddenly the twin tailed girl became quiet.

Rekka quickly looked back at him and laughed nervously, "I'm sorry I got into my thoughts! But if you're really asking if Kourin can go back to school?"


"Well, I'm not sure myself… but I hope she can, if her fever goes down and she can freely move around. Then she can."

"I see, thank you Rekka-chan! I have to go home now! Send my regards to Kourin-chan, okay?"

"Sure!" Rekka then waved her hands as she looked at Aichi as he ran home. Rekka puts down her hand and frowned. "I'm really sorry…"

Aichi was back at his home, he was lying down on his bed and staring at the ceiling.

"Is she really okay?" Aichi mumbled. "Come on… she'll be better, just as Rekka-chan said. I hope for her to be better. If Kourin-chan does then I'll continue to be her friend, then… someday, I'll… confess…"


"Hey um, Kourin-chan, I know this seems weird but… if we meet again, I will show you lots of things!" The young Aichi said to the young Kourin.

"You're sure?" Kourin asked.

Aichi gave a big grin, "Of course! After all, you're my first… girl friend and… my princess…" He blushed.

Kourin then crossed her arms, "If you keep on calling me princess then you're not seeing me!"

"B-but you're a princess!" Aichi said, "I mean you look like one! So… um…"

"Have you read too much fairy tales?" Kourin asked her.

Aichi then scratched his head, "Not exactly, but you really look like a princess."

Kourin blushed at Aichi's compliment, "You idioooooot!" She angrily yelled and threw some grass on his face.

"I'm so sorry! Kourin-chan!" Aichi said.

Kourin then sighed, "Well, if you want then we can meet tomorrow. You'll show me things, right?"


After that day, Aichi went back to the same park, yet he did not see the blonde girl. The day after tomorrow was the same, then the next day, and after, she did not came back.

"Young boy, is there someone you're waiting for?" A woman asked Aichi.

"Um, yes. I am waiting for a girl named Kourin Tatsunagi, do you know her?" Aichi asked.

"Tatsunagi…?" The woman then thought before replying, "Oh, Tatsunagi! I'm so sorry young boy, but the Tatsunagis had to leave this place, they left since Tuesday."

"I see…" Aichi then looked down, "Tuesday, huh…"

'Wait, Tuesday was the day after I met Kourin-chan! Why did they…'

Aichi then sighed, he went home. 'I swear I'll wait for you, Kourin-chan!'


Aichi rolled onto the other side of the bed, "Kourin-chan… I hope you'll be better… I still want to show you something, and you'll be happy when you see it."


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