10: Falling Apart

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Chapter 10: Falling Apart


Kourin didn't know why, and she couldn't understand why it has to be her. Why does it have to be her? She doesn't know the answer, and probably never will.

When she was a child, she was just that normal girl who plays with her siblings and friends. But it ended once it attacked her.

She was 10.

She suddenly fell unconscious, only to be taken in the hospital. Then, her world crushed down when she was told.

"She has cancer," the doctor had said.

Kourin cried, she didn't want to die quickly, didn't want to die so suddenly. She still has dreams.

She was told that her disease was hereditary, since some of her family members had too. But it's still unbelievable for her.

Kourin knew to herself that her life would be quick, so she tried to do the things she wanted. She did try, but couldn't.

She used to have friends, but when she revealed that she has cancer, her friends became worried and got sad of it. Kourin didn't want too see that.

So when Kourin went back to her old place years later, she told herself and her family to keep this as a secret. And that's why she kept quiet about this.

But it changed when Aichi came to her. She tried to keep it, but she couldn't. It seemed like Aichi is that one person she can't keep a secret from. It seemed like she's weak for him.

"I swear I will help you, I will save you." Aichi said.

'But how?' She asked herself, 'How can you save me when it's impossible? How can you save me? If I'm in risk of falling apart?'

'How can he be sure this will stop and stay calm?' Kourin blinked as she felt herself crying, 'I'm sorry Aichi, there is no way.'


A/N: I'm really sorry I haven't updated this! Actually, I have a writer's block so I don't know what to do and what to write. As an apology, I gave this short update. I may not update this story for a while because my writer's block is killing me! Sorry guys! See you again by next chapters!

Trade Mistakes (Aichi x Kourin)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang