6: To Tell Everyone

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Chapter 6: To Tell Everyone


Kourin was walking alone inside the school's hallway, she didn't know why Aichi wasn't at school early. She thought that maybe he woke up late.

But no, she saw Aichi talking to a girl with short lilac hair and blue eyes. Somehow Kourin felt angry, and she didn't know why.

And Aichi noticed her, he gave a grin and called her. "Kourin-chan!"

Kourin looked away and blushed, she wasn't sure if it's because of his smile. Well, part of her says it is.

Aichi approached her and held her, "Good morning, Kourin-chan."

"Um… uh, g-good morning." Kourin replied.

"I want to introduce you to my friend!" Aichi said and Kourin looked at him, and then she glanced at the lilac haired girl.

Kourin nodded and they had approached the girl.

"Misaki-san, I'd like to introduce you to Kourin-chan! My um… f-friend!" Aichi blushed a bit as he stuttered, he smiled.

Misaki looked at Kourin and smiled, "Hello Kourin, I'm Misaki Tokura. By the way, Aichi's like my little brother so I take care of him at times."

"M-Misaki-san…" Aichi sweat dropped.

Kourin giggled and reached her hand out, "It's nice to meet you, Misaki. I hope we'll be friends."

"We will, don't worry." Misaki smiled back at Kourin.

This has become the day that Kourin would be close to someone other than Aichi.

It was not Kourin's expectation, not at all. When she was eating her lunch on the canteen, she was invited by Aichi, Misaki, Naoki, and Shingo.

Kourin looked at them as they had a conversation, but even though she speaks to them, something has been stopping her. It was not because of awkwardness, in fact she isn't awkward. It was because it was attacking her again.

Kourin felt weak, she dropped her spoon and she became dizzy. Aichi noticed this since he's just next to her, Aichi saw Kourin trying to keep herself up.

"Kourin-chan? Are you-" Aichi was about to speak yet Kourin suddenly fell unconscious.

"Kourin-chan!" Aichi managed to catch her and he held her close to him.

"What happened, Aichi?" Misaki asked in concern as she saw Kourin.

"She suddenly got unconscious…" Aichi puts his hand to touch Kourin's forehead, his eyes widened in surprise. "She has a fever!"

"What?! But Kourin was not like that earlier!" Naoki said.

"We have to help her to the nurse's office." Shingo told.

"Yeah," Aichi nodded and he carefully held Kourin as they went to the clinic.

"Kourin-chan," Kourin heard a familiar voice and she opened her eyes.

Kourin glanced and there she saw Aichi sitting next to her, she realized she's lying on a bed.

Aichi smiled and chuckled, he then grabbed Kourin's hand. "Are you feeling okay now? The nurse said you've gotten a fever."

"I see…" Kourin muttered, she stared at Aichi. "W-were you… looking after me?" She asked then coughed.

"Yes, I got so worried about you. Also, Misaki-san and the others were here too. It's a good thing that we just had morning classes so I decided to look after you." Aichi explained.

Kourin nodded, "Can you please call Rekka for me? I want you to tell her that I am here…"

"Ah sure, but I don't know her number…" Aichi said.

"You can borrow my phone, did you bring my bag?" Kourin asked.

Aichi nodded, then he took Kourin's bag and searched for Kourin's phone. When he found it he turned it on and he called Rekka.

"Kourin!" Rekka suddenly came rushing in to the clinic, she was panting heavily.

"Kourin are you okay?! I am so worried! Did you get hurt? Did it happen again-" Rekka gasped as she realized she was yelling that Aichi heard it, she looked at Aichi who was looking at then confused and curious.

"What do you mean it happened again?" Aichi asked.

Kourin sighed and looked away, Rekka fell silent and looked down as she fisted her hands.

"Kourin-chan, Rekka-chan?" Aichi is really confused.

Rekka bit her lip, 'No, he shouldn't know! Kourin did promise not to tell anyone so why should I say it?!'

"Um, the same thing happened to Kourin before, Aichi." Rekka said, "I mean she got sick too before so I am worried, it happened again today. She rarely gets fever so I usually get worried whenever she has this."

"Oh I see," Aichi seemed like he believed that, so it was a sigh of relief from Kourin and Rekka.

Aichi observed them as the siblings had a conversation, and when he thought it was best to leave them be, he stood up and excused himself out.

'I wonder why… but why do I feel like something's wrong to what Rekka-chan said…' Aichi bit his lip as he was walking to the classroom.

'I shouldn't think of anything else but I really feel like Kourin-chan… no… maybe both of them are keeping something…' He thought.

Aichi took his own bag and went back to the clinic, but he saw that Kourin and Rekka already left.

"Maybe she needed to go home…" Aichi said and sighed, he went straight home with those weird thoughts lingering in his mind.

"Kourin, are you okay?" Rekka asked as she looked at her sick sister breathing heavily. Both of them are inside their car and about to go home.

"Rekka, leave her to me okay?" Suiko said and held Kourin to her close. She touched Kourin's forehead and noticed how much she had gotten sicker.

"Ai-" Kourin tried to speak but she coughed, "Aichi…"

Suiko frowned and embraced Kourin.

"I… want Aichi…" Kourin spoke, "I want him to know…"

Both of the sisters got shocked at Kourin's statement, they looked at Kourin with worry.

"If… Aichi knew it would not change anything… I'll still get sick and be worse... It's better if he know now."

"But Kourin, you shouldn't. Didn't you say you don't want anyone to know, especially Aichi?" Rekka said.

Kourin only nodded and rested her head on Suiko's shoulder.

"Kourin…" Suiko and Rekka looked down and was trying to think about a way to tell everyone about Kourin's disease.


Trade Mistakes (Aichi x Kourin)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang