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grey strolling around the mall alone searching for nothing. she felt like spending her mother's money on something but she didn't know what to buy.

then she decided to buy some hoodie and sweat pants because the weather was started to get chilly and she loves baggy clothes more than anything.

after that , she went to this famous cafe in the mall and she queued up waiting for her turn to order .

she waited until someone suddenly bumped into her from the back made her stumbled and fell to the floor.

that guy gasped and helped her immediately.

"oh ! i'm so sorry . my friend pushed me. i'm so so sorry . are you hurt ?" the guy scanning her whole body in worried.

"no no it's okay. i'm fine" grey smiled.

"woah thank god you're fine. by the way i'm jihoon. this is my card. call me if you hurt or something . gosh look what you've done dude !" that jihoon guy yelled at the guy at the back cause the people started staring at them.

"uhm is he okay ? he looks so shocked " grey said looking at the guy behind jihoon.

"uh ? ya ? are you okay ?" jihoon worriedly asked his friend.

the guy still looking at grey and kept staring her .

" why is he looking at me like that ?" grey said, started to freaked out because the guy won't stop staring her.

"dude !"

"uh ? why ?" the guy finally back to his sense and said sorry.

grey awkwardly smile and turned her back. she ordered her drink and a slice of cake.

after that , she took the last table at the back because there's no more vacant table there. it was full so she decided to sit at the table for 4.

she fished out her phone from her bag and opened their group for cheerleaders and basket ball players.

100+ notifications

the fuck ? she thought. she clicked the group named K&Q <3 (Kings&Queens).

she scrolled down fast and ignored a few texts until she stopped at cindy's text.

K&Q 💖

So i was saying i just bumped into the most popular guy from sierra high and he's so angelic like damn my ovary gonna explode any time now.




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