"Sounds like a plan" Krish grinned widely. "Can I see Ruhi now?"

"Why such a hurry?"

"I missed her terribly so please take me to her room, uncle" Krish gave puppy eyes.

"Alright! Follow me" Rk said and walked ahead. Krish tailed him.

"Wow, is this Ruhi's room? It's so beautiful. So girlish"

"She is girl baby so obviously her room will be girlish" Rk said with a shrug.

"Of course" Krish nodded and ran to Ruhi's crib.

"Aww... Angel" Krish whispered and gave Ruhi a flying kiss.

"Don't admire my daughter while she is sleeping"

"Why uncle?"

"People used to say if we admire a sleeping baby then the baby's life span will reduce"

"Oh no! Okay... I won't admire her though it's hard. Just look at her uncle... The way she is sleeping with a cute little smile. Aww... She is so beautiful uncle. So beautiful"

"After all she is my daughter so obviously she will be beautiful only" Rk said proudly.

"You are handsome uncle but she is beautiful like her mommy."

"Well, her mommy and I only made this magical creature right?" he said implying he was also reason of her beauty.

"She is indeed a magical creature. She has put a spell on me uncle." Krish said giving a smitten look to a sleeping Ruhi

"Don't you think it's all too much for your age little boy?"

"What is too much?"

"The feeling thing?"

"Oh. I am not little boy uncle. I am 6 yrs old. And it's not wrong to feel this way at this age"

"Who said so?" Rk asked.

"My dad"

"Oh. Your dad likes your dance teacher, doesn't he?" Rk probed.

"Yes, dad likes Madhu aunty so much. Even I like her"

"I see" Rk scratched his chin. "You want Ruhi to be your little sister?" Rk asked out of blue.

"What? No" Krish shouted. Ruhi jolted up with the loud noise and started crying.

"Papa" she held her arms for her dad to pick her up in his arms.

"Oh darling" Rk took her in his arms and put her head on his shoulder and rocked her.

"Why are you putting her to sleep again? Let her wake up, please, we can play"

"She won't play when she is not fully up. She is still sleepy. If she doesn't go back to sleep now then she will be cranky for the whole day. You want to see a cranky Ruhi?"

"No" Krish shrieked again.

"First reduce your voice. You are scaring my daughter. That's why she is running away from you, always."

"Oh, I am sorry. I didn't realize that"

"It's okay" Rk said "So you don't want Ruhi to be your sister?"

"Yes" Krish nodded his head positively.

"Then your dad should stop growing feelings for your Madhu aunty" Rk said firmly.

"Why?" Krish asked confused.

"Two things. One your Madhu aunty is mine. She is my lover and my daughter's mother. So it's indecent to like someone else's girl. Would you like if any other boy likes Ruhi?"

Baby Daddy (Ongoing)Where stories live. Discover now