Three. Two. Or One.

Start from the beginning

I made sure Avari was comfortable and that Peanut was still at her side before I emerged from the bedroom and made my way into the kitchen.

The smell of food hit my senses causing my stomach to growl angrily. "Damn, what are we having?" I asked as Zak worked himself around the kitchen. I shamelessly took advantage of his good nature by gawking at him. There's something about a man in the kitchen. But when that man is him...

He turned with the oven gloves over his shoulder "We are having My Spaghetti Bolognese.. Don't eat the garlic bread." He answered.

I pouted retracting my hand from snaring a piece up. "Wait, your spaghetti bolognese?"

"Yup. Here." He turned with a small piece of French stick with a small amount of butter. Walking to the stove he dipped it inside the pot and walked over to me.

"Open." He smiled.

"I've heard that before." I joked making him chuckle as I opened my mouth he fed me the bread.

"Hmm!" I moaned as he ate the rest.

"Good right?"

"So good! Your gran taught you well."

He smiled "Yeah she did."

I watched him go off into his mind thinking about her before he set himself back to work. I was always fond of his gran, Grace was in every sense of the word an Angel. She always smiled and was forever happy to see me. It broke my heart when I found out she passed. But the hardest day was attending her funeral with Zak by my side. He didn't remove his shades once and his hand was around mine throughout the service. It was a day I wouldn't forget...

"I miss her too.." I said loud enough for him to hear.

He simply nodded, I dropped the conversation knowing in a few days time, it was her birthday, and Zak always found this time of the year difficult.

"I'll set the table." I added making myself busy. Holly stepped in holding two bottles of wine.

"Red or white baby?" She asked Zak who shrugged.

"Whatever you prefer, I'm having water."

"Both then." She shrugged pushing the white wine into the fridge.

I kept my head down and placed down the cutlery and grabbed myself and Zak glasses and Fiji water from the fridge. Holly had already unscrewed the bottle and poured herself a generous glass.

"We need another place." Holly said nodding to the table.

"Oh. Okay," I nodded getting out the plate and cutlery. "Is Nancy coming over?" I asked.

"No. A good friend." Holly smiled.

I should have known when she smiled that it meant trouble, but it wasn't until the door bell went and she returned that I realised how much trouble she was set on causing.

"Scarlett.." Devin breathed looking at me.

I swallowed the lump in my throat looking at him. He hadn't changed a bit, maybe his hair was a little longer but other than that, he was still the Devin I knew with his V neck white top and dark jeans.

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