Chapter 20

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"Those boys sure are special, aren't they?"

I nodded my head for a simplistic response as I looked at Shiki, who had continued to watch the two boys bicker back and forth. Neku and Joshua returned from wherever they had decided to go, since Neku insisted on speaking the the ash-blond in private, which translated to: Follow me around this building and talk or else. This, however, only seemed to ignite Joshua's antics, as he sat between Neku and I, leaning against the orangette as he attempted to make Neku as uncomfortable as humanly possible.

"Well, at least I have a girlfriend." Joshua's arm slipped around my waist as he pulled my closer to his body. He smirked at Neku as I blushed, trying to push away the feeling in my chest that was rising with each second.

"Uh huh. We aren't dating! How many times do I have to say that for it to process in that thick skull of yours?!" I said. Oddly enough, I didn't try to pull away from him and rested my elbows on the table as I held my head in my hands. Shiki decided that we should all go to a fast-food restaurant nearby, where we sat outside at one of their picnic tables, which was round. My glove slipped slightly, and my wrist could be seen as well as just a glimpse of the sigil crawling underneath. I caught this and pulled my head away from my hands as I readjusted my gloves to cover my right hand. Neku noticed this and looked at right hand.

"Is there something wrong with your wrist?" Neku asked. I shook my head, silently cursing myself for slipping up like that.

"No. I was just readjusting my gloves. Is there a problem with that?" I asked.

"No, but-" Neku was cut off by Shiki squealing in delight as she grabbed one of my hands, examining the glove.

"No way! Is this...?"

"Yep!" I said, laughing lightly at her energy and enthusiasm for fashion. "They're one of a kind. You've got to keep up with the current trends right?" She nodded and engaged in a conversation with me about the threads going on in Shibuya and what our favorite style was. It was a relief to stop talking with Neku about my hand and it was joyous to be able to have a conversation for once, about something carefree and random, as if nothing horrible was going on in the world around us.

Joshua's phone rang and we all turned towards him as he excused himself, standing up as he pulled out his phone. He walked a good distance away before answering the phone, making sure we were all out of earshot. I missed the warmth radiating off of his body when he had pulled away.

"Who called him? Mr. Hanekoma?" Neku questioned. I shrugged.

"How should any of us know? It's not like I was looking at the caller-ID. For all we know it could be an alien on Mars," I said, pulling out my own phone to check the time. 7:53 P.M. Joshua and I started to talk to Shiki and Neku around six, and all of us would be heading back home soon.

I pocketed my phone and thought back to the Reaper I had encountered before. Koki Kariya. I was most likely to see him again in the nearby future, and I would need to be prepared for whatever he might throw at me. Even if I tried to avoid him, he'd find me, or 'conveniently' be where I am. Joshua walked back up to us, a serious expression on his face, that I couldn't tell if he was faking or not.

"(Y/n). We have to go," he said, then turned towards Neku and Shiki, smirking when his eyes landed on Neku. "It was so lovely to see you again Neku. Don't cry over me too much when I leave." Joshua winked at Neku who slammed his head on the table, and waved towards Shiki and I stood up, bidding my goodbyes to the two of them as I walked off with Joshua, whose stride was quicker than usual.

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