Chapter 3

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It was dark. Blinking my eyes, I reached out to grab something, anything. But there was nothing. There was warm, but chilling breathing down my neck, that sent shivers down my spine. Spinning, around, a sinister chuckle could be heard, echoing off of the invisible walls, or down a long, and never ending cave.

"Oh aren't you just adorable~ I can see why He has his eyes set for you~ Too bad he won't live long enough to see us get together~" a voice cooed. Huh? He? Joshua? And what does he mean by us 'getting together'?

"You seem a bit confused. Let me turn on the lights for you," the same voice said. There was a clap before the entire room I was in was surrounded by a complete, white space, which blinded my eyes temporarily. Rubbing them, I got adjusted to my environment. There was nothing for as far as the eye could see, except for that white light.

"W-Who are you," I asked, cursing at my stutter. The figure in front of me smirked. He had slick white hair that was neatly combed and crystal blue eyes that seemed to pierce my soul.

He even had on black dress pants that seemed slightly too large and a white dress shirt that had a formal black coat over it, unbuttoned. He carried a casual look and I nearly gasped seeing the white, angelic wings behind his body. Though, the tips of each feather seemed to have been tipped in a black ink. That could only mean one thing.

"You're the new Angel of Death," I said certainly. That meant he also had the power to force himself into other people's dreams and minds. He only smirked, but it was different than Joshua. Joshua was all teasing, while this man seemed to smirk as if setting his eyes on a new toy he was debating to break or not. Like I was the prey he was merely waiting for the chance to catch.

"Took you long enough Sweetheart~" he continued, giving me a pet name. I was about to tell him off before he appeared right in front of me, holding my chin in one hand as the other slithered around my waist, pulling me close to his body. I gasped, and tried to pull away, but his grip was iron. "That's rude you know. Pulling away from your soon-to-be husband. Let me introduce myself properly. I am Nikolai, the new Angel of Death, as you already know, and," he leaned in close to my ear, "I will be the next Composer of Shibuya real soon so I can have you to myself~ Of course, the Producer will go next~"

Without control of my actions I dug the heel of my shoe into his foot, making him cry out and loosen his grip on me. Yanking away, I glared at him with all the hatred I could muster. The wings that appeared on my back flapped to keep me from falling from when I flung away from him. They closed behind me and I couldn't help but miss the familiarity of them, from when I had them hidden in the RG.

"You stay the hell away from them!" I snapped, clenching my fists at my side.

"Ohoho. So they are important to you, hm," he asked, stroking his chin as if pondering something.

"You shouldn't have to ask that."

"But, you will be mine. Don't you forget that. That Composer will stay away if he knows what's good for him. I'll be coming to pick you up soon," he cooed in my ear, suddenly appearing in me again. I flung my fist around and squared him in the face, sending him to the floor. He spit out some blood. "My my, someone's playing hard to get. Well, since you've pissed me off, I think you deserve a punishment." He snapped his fingers.

I let out a blood curdling scream as it felt like needles were puncturing my skin at all sides. A searing pain appeared in my head as I grabbed my head with both of my hands to stop it. Falling to the floor, my wings flapped helplessly behind my body which crashed against the floor. Looking at my hands, I saw a red substance that I could only say was blood. Looking ahead, I was no longer in that white room, but the Room of Reckoning. Ahead was a throne, where the Composer 'ruled' over Shibuya as its supervisor. Although, that wasn't the only thing in the room. Chains seemed to circle the throne as a familiar body was lying in front of it, sprawled out. I gasped and ran over, kneeling down as I held his head in my lap.

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