Chapter 2

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I stretched my arms out, as I let out a yawn. Rubbing my eyes, I looked around, noticing I was still in my room. There was a plate of breakfast sitting on the nightstand nest to me. It smelled like Mr. Hanekoma's cooking, which wasn't bad to be honest. It was actually pretty good. I picked up the fork and gingerly brought the plate of food onto my lap once I got into a sitting position. I poked at the food with the fork, before sticking it in the food, taking a bite.

It wasn't long before I finished and stood up out of my warm bed. I grabbed the plate and took it downstairs to the kitchen, where I washed it in the sink, before setting it carefully in the dishwasher. As I turned, I nearly screamed when I saw Mr. Hanekoma standing in the doorway.

"G-Geez! You could at least warn me if you're going to pop up like that. Nearly gave me a heart attack!" I exclaimed, holding where my heart would be. His laugh cut through the air as he looked at me from just above his sunglasses.

"Sorry (Y/n), but it can't be helped. Josh is here if you want to get ready for him."

"He's here?! Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"Someone's eager to see him. But, you look like you just rolled out of bed."

"Well, of course I did! I just woke up you know. Thanks for the food though," I said, making my way back up into my room to freshen up. Closing the door behind me, I searched my closet for an outfit. I settled on a mid-thigh dress that had a poofy red skirt, with a white, collared, button up top. The skirt had white edging and over the dress itself was a black corset. To top it off, I had red heels, and black knee-high socks. I finished tying a ribbon around my collar and did a mini twirl in front of my mirror, satisfied with my look.

After freshening up in the restroom, I grabbed my long, shoulder-length purse and threw my phone and other necessities in it, and ran downstairs, trying not to trip in my heels, and paused for a minute. Who were Joshua and Mr. Hanekoma talking about last night? Whoever it was must be dangerous, for them to be worried. Well, Johsua's an enigma, so it's hard to know what he's thinking all the time. Walking down the stairs, I went into the front area of WildKat and saw Joshua sitting with his legs crossed at one of the stools on front of the counter. There was a group of teenagers who walked in and I recognized them from yesterday standing in one of the shops.


"Oh?" Joshua let out a giggle. "Hello Neku. It's been awhile hasn't it?"

"Yeah... It has. Where have you been? You disappeared after our last... encounter," Neku said, putting his hands in his pockets. One of the girls next to him looked at me and elbowed him in the side. He turned towards me with a surprised expression, but before a sound could come out another of his friends spoke up.

"Yo. Who dis girl? We saw her with you near 104, Prissy Boy," the boy said towards Joshua. I frowned slightly at his nickname for Joshua, who didn't seem fazed at all by it. Joshua merely raised his hand and smirked.

"You did see us. I know her from a long time ago. She's my-," I cut Joshua off by letting out an intentional cough.

"Before you finish that statement Joshua, I should probably introduce myself. I'm (Y/n), his friend. We've known each other for a while now. Mr. Hanekoma introduced us to each other," I said, tucking a stray piece of my hair behind my ear.

"Oh! I'm Shiki! This is Neku, Beat, and Rhyme. So, you two must be close then?" Shiki asked, after gesturing to each of them. I stole a glance at Joshua and shrugged.

"I'm as close as you can get to this kid," I said, walking over to Joshua. I sat in one of the stools that was right next to him and crossed my legs.

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