Chapter 38

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I was so tired.

Last night's phone call had me tossing and turning with mixed emotions and had kept me up for hours.

How dare he accuse me of cheating on him! 

And who was this person that was spying on me? Am I not entitled to go out for an innocent dinner without people jumping to conclusions?

Nick was due in town tonight for Thanksgiving, but I don't' think I can deal with him at the moment. Maybe I should give him the same treatment he's been giving me and ignore him. I was so sick of him treating me like someone other than his girlfriend, it was time to stand up for myself.

He sent through a heart filled apology when I had turned my cell back on, but I had quickly deleted it. I didn't want to read any of his nonsense and get sucked into it, and only then to be ignored when he returned back to school and to his friends. I don't think I could handle it this time around.

I took a long hot shower that soothed my exhausted body. I had plans to to spend the day in my bed, since I had slept up until lunchtime and practically missed half of the school day.

I dressed in a baggy t shirt and sweats and went downstairs to raid the fridge and found my dad sitting at the kitchen counter.

I froze and tried to back out but he turned his head and saw me standing in the doorway.

"Your mother said you were home from school today."

My mouth fell open as I heard his voice for the first time in months. I reached down and pinched myself and was rewarded with the slight pain. No I wasn't dreaming.

My dad's eyes crinkled with a smile of amusement as he observed me.

"Do you want something to eat? I can make you something if you want?"

My lips started quivering and a huge sob erupted from my mouth, followed by the rivers of tears and heaving sobs.

My dad shot out of his seat and wrapped me up in my arms. His familiar yet foreign scent surrounded me and made me cry even harder.

Maybe it was everything that was happening with Nick that set things off because I couldn't stop the hiccuping sobs as they overtook my body. Dad picked me up and carried me into the family room and sat down on the couch with me on his lap as I continued to cry while he tried to comfort and sooth me.

Eventually my cries subsided and left me with little hiccups. I closed my eyes and I fell into an exhausting sleep.

I woke and found myself back in my room with my stomach tied in knots and my eyes and face puffy and swollen from all the crying. My head was pounding with a killer headache.

I slowly got out of bed and stumbled to the bathroom to wash up. I could hear voices downstairs and knew that my mom and my siblings were probably home.

How long was I out for? I wondered as I relieved my bladder then flushed and washed my hands.
I splashed cold water over my puffy face a couple of times then drenched and wrung out a hand towel and held it over my eyes and pounding forehead.

Mom started knocking on the bathroom door and added more pain to my pounding head.
I unlock the door and walked past her and back into my room and under my covers.

"Are you okay baby?"

I shook my head then regretted it as pain shot across my eyes. "Headache." I croaked then covered my eyes with a pillow.

"Hang on sweetie. I'll grab you some Tylenol."

I rolled over to my side and the movement made my stomach heave a little but thankfully I didn't throw up.

Mom was back in no time and helped me sit up so I can take the medicine. Once done I asked mom to leave my trash can beside me just in case I tossed my cookies. She did just that and stayed with me until I fell asleep.

I later woke to a grumbling stomach and thankfully no headache. I checked my cell and found a couple of messages from Sarah and Dean and another from Nick, which I deleted.

I opened Sarah's message, she mentioned that she had dropped by and my mom had told her I was feeling ill. I sent a reply telling her I was okay and that I'll call her later after I put food in my stomach.

I sent Dean a similar message then got out of bed and ventured downstairs.

"Hi baby. Are you feeling better?" Mom asked as she came and gave me hug.

"Yeah, much better, but I'm starving."

"I figured that. Go and have a seat and I'll fix you a sandwich."

I nodded. "Okay. Is dad still here?"

"No honey he went back to the diner. He told me what happened and he feels so guilty, but we'll talk about it later."

I nodded then went to join the twins and Lisa in the family room. Lisa was on her ipad playing candy crush while the twins were watching a disney movie.
I squeezed myself between Lisa and Jen, both their hands went automatically to my stomach.

*       *          *

"What's going on with you and Nick? You've been rejecting his calls all afternoon." Mom asked me as I helped her prepare dinner.

I sighed and shook my head. " He called late last night drunk and basically accused me of cheating on him."

"What? That's insane. You hardly leave the house."

"Gee thanks."

"You know what mean. And I think you should talk to him."

"It's not just that mom. He's been ignoring me for weeks."

"Have you brought it up with him the last time you spoke?"

"Yes. And he's saying that he's busy with school. But all he's doing is partying and doing those damn pledges. Carol told me that his grades are starting to decline now."

"That's doesn't sound like our Nick."

"No. It sound like a bipolar idiot. If he comes by please don't let him in. I'm not ready to see him just yet."
"Okay. But just for tonight. Tomorrow you guys talk it over."

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