Chpt 7

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Here I am, all alone again. Saying I had an 'eventful' weekend is an understatement and anyone who says that should be stabbed. My weekend was shitty as all hell, the only good thing that came out of it was I was able to express extent of my frustration to an annoying, needy, desperate girl with a one track mind in making her ex pay for hurting her feelings. Unlucky for me though, she punched me in the face, and now I've got a thug bruise. That'll be the last time I try to do anyone a favor ever again, The bruise does help my reputation though so I guess I can thank her for that. I never should have even helped her in the first place, her toxicity is overwhelming. Do one thing for her and you pay for it the rest of your life.. Getting paid was not worth the frustration and now drama, I can't even roam the halls without dipshits coming up to me asking if psycho and I are dating. I guess a few too many people saw us together..figures...shit, now what am I supposed to do? I can't exactly deny what people saw, that'd be a death sentence in its own way. I can't avoid the question or change subjects because she runs her mouth and I'm bad enough at talking to people as it is. I have to keep people away, I can't let them approach me. All I can do is ignore their stares and murmurs by glaring devilishly at anyone who comes within a 5ft perimeter of me. It's worked in the past so why not? Hey you, yeah you, I know what you're thinking about doing, don't even come near me you greasy haired poser. You want an answer? I got one for ya, it's called the fuck off finger. Wow that actually works? The guy turned tail and ran to his butt buddies, what a pussy. Good job me, 5 points for effort. Okay new plan, I'll flip off anyone who looks like they want to ask me anything about this past weekend. If that doesn't work I'll just threaten to poke their eyes out with a pencil, simple right? I have to be antisocially scary, just like my rep. I mean I think I'm pretty scary, like that time I made a male teacher cry because he had just recently come out of the closet and I called him a faggot because he was being a prick to me. I didn't even know he was gay and he quit his job. Wait hold on, I'm not sure if that's a good example of me having been scary, or just being a dick.. Whatever, showing everyone I don't give a shit about the rumors is the best way to stop them. Right? Unless of course Emelia is spreading around some BS story that is her life. Her ass must be pretty jealous of all the shit that comes out of her mouth. At least she leaves me alone, for the most part. She hasn't even looked in my direction when we pass in the halls, and we don't have any classes together so that's always a relief.

Oh hey we get to pick our new seats, I'll just go sit in my own little corner of the classroom as always. I've always kinda just been an observer. I see some pretty messed up things, but honestly, I think Emelia's situation takes the cake. Speak of the devil, there she goes again, infiltrating a class that isn't even hers. How's that plan going for ya? Employ any new sad souls? That chick has balls, going up and talking to people who she has absolutely no background knowledge of, didn't you already learn from that mistake? Guess not. I'm living proof that that plan is a bust. God, she's so fucking short. How could I have let myself get punched in the face and shoved to the ground by a twerp like her? Is she.. trying to flirt with guys who are twice her size..? What a dumbass, it's obvious they don't give a shit about what she's saying, and she doesn't even realise that they only see her as easy bait. Their gaze sickens me. She's a human not a fucking sex toy you bastards. The sight is so pitiful it's pissing me off. Just ignore it Philip, it's not your problem anymore. I'll just get up and leave, I can't stand being in the same room as her, she's so oblivious. I'll head to the library and scope out any new manga editions.

"Oh, hello Philip."

Oh great, it's my second most favourite person in the world. Fancy meeting you here. If it wasn't for you I never would have been in this situation, dick. "Ian."

"I've been hearing alot about yours and Emelia's date."

There's not much to hear so anything extra is a lie.

"You two ran off quite quickly after you shared what I presume to be your first kiss?"

Oh, you're going to go that route? Straight to it eh? "What of it."

"I'm just stating what I observed, it was your first kiss was it not? You seemed...rather taken back by the whole thing."

That's an understatement to say the least, but what does it matter to him? He doesn't fucking care, or at least...he shouldn't. "Yeah. So."

"So I assume you were embarrassed? To presumably not only be dating her, but to be kissed by her as well. I would take it as quite a shock myself if I were you."

Is this prick mocking me? He's chuckling, and he has this cocky ass smile on his face, who does he think he is? Calm down, he's trying to push your buttons, just shrug it off. "Eh, not really. It was whatever, why do you take sudden interest?"

"I'm just trying to understand why she would choose someone like you to 'date' is all. Call it...intuition."

He is mocking me, that son of a bitch. "We-" Wait, I heard him. He said 'choose', does he know? It was all a sham? Look at his pretty boy eyes flicker, he does know. Of course he knows, he's not fucking stupid. Goddammit Emelia, you're a fool for thinking you could trick this slick bastard. "So you know."

"Even a blind person can see through a lie that girl has created for herself."

He has a point, still, I don't like his prissy attitude. Does he think he's better than her or something? "True."

"She's quite an overwhelming handful isn't she? A little devil in sheeps clothing. I'd watch my back if I were you. You might get stabbed."

What the hell is that supposed to mean. I don't like him, not one bit.

"I know the sweet Emelia seems impulsive and happy, even strong sometimes, but if you aren't careful she could drag you down into the hell that is her life."

What the fuck dude? What'd she ever do to you besides the obvious? Come on, her stalking you wasn't even that harmful, lay off, geez.

"Emelia is a special type of girl, she does things on her own terms, as you clearly experienced and cares only about herself. She gives no explanation as to why she does what she does and expects people to just understand. I mean who here can read minds? I certainly can't. She's so fickle, and stupid. Her very presence drains the life right out of you. Such a sweet little freak."

Man of all the bipolar things I've ever heard, this guy wins the trophy. Why the hell does he have to be so harsh? Everything he says sounds just Oh god, don't tell me, I can actually relate to her. Everything he's been saying sounds just like shit I say. No wonder I hate her so much, we're a lot alike, except she puts up a happy front, to protect herself from herself.. Me? I just mope. Guess this just goes to show...the reason I can't stand her, is because I hate myself the most. Anyone who can even remotely understand how I am, is the reality check I've always dreaded. I've never wished upon anyone to have the same type of personality as me. One thing is for sure, she might have a similar shitty attitude but she is 10x stronger than I am. She actually talks to people and puts herself out there, challenging herself to be a better person, she might suck at it but at least she's fucking trying. And this shit he's saying about her is pissing me off. Alot. He wasn't mocking just me, he was mocking her too, and he thinks just because he has a pretty face, he can get away with it? Think again fairy. No one needs your two faced opinion. The world would be better without it, but killing people is illegal, so I'll just punch you square in the nose and call it a day. Aw look, you even flew like a fairy.

"Wha-What the hell Dorian?! Why did you-?"

"Sorry. You were in my way." The best part is your nose is broken, and your face is your most valuable feature, or at least it was.

"You're just angry because you know what I'm saying is true! Every part of it!"

Ha. Ha ha ha. Is it now? People like you will never understand us assholes of the world, believe it or not, we have a kind streak. "Ian, I'm sorry. I'd like to see things from your point of view, but I can't seem to get my head that far up my ass." See, I don't care that I'm being told to go to the principal's office, it was worth it, every moment that I hear his little bitch voice whine in pain. I can't get this shit disturbing grin off my face. I'll probably get suspended for a few days, oh well. Only two months until graduation, I can hold out until then. Sometimes I royally screw myself over with my own thoughts, why do I even give a shit about this girl?

God only knows.

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