[ My Savior ] Cheetu X Yin Flame [Part 1]

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(Anime: Hunter X Hunter)

Ps. I'm following the anime story line but changing it slightly.

-Yin Flame's pov-

My village was being attacked by some creature. I was scared. My body was shaking from fear and my heart sounded like it was going to pop out of my chest any minute. My terrified mother quickly took me to safety (which was in a closet...). The closet door was slightly open, enough for me to peek through. My mother was about to check outside but a pair of claws sliced her flesh into pieces, like it was jelly. The horrifying view made me gasp but was covered by my hand.

After that, a monster entered into view. He had a human figure but wasn't human. In fact, it was a blood hound monster (I think they were called Chimera Ants). I trembled as I stared with a frightened look at my dead mother being eaten by an inhuman creature. Her fresh blood soaked the white carpet, and it felt like I could no longer breath. It was horrifying. Tears rolled down from my eyes and my hands were still covering my mouth, stopping me from making any noise.

I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs, hoping it would somehow kill the creature. I wanted to close my eyes and say that this was all a dream...But...I knew it was a nightmare. A bad dream. No...This wasn't a nightmare nor a bad dream...This was reality. But after all of that, I somehow managed to keep all of that inside.

He took a few more bites and then his face twisted in disguise. Before I could take another breath, he sniffed the air. Most liking sniffing if there was anyone else he could kill and devour. His atmosphere was radiating death itself. Before I could even slowly move back of my closet to feel safe and pray that he would leave me be, his sharp, hungry eyes darted at the small opening of my closet. We made eye contact and I froze like a frozen statue and by now, my tears had already dried up.

When we made eye contact, I knew death was knocking on my door, telling me that my demise was drawing ever so closer by the second. His lips turned into a smirk. I was unable to move a muscle as he stood up and walked closer to me. He was at a distance where he could swing the door open and chop me into bits. The thought made me shiver in terror. His arm reached out and I immediately shifted to the back. To my doom. There was no escape. I was trap.

The door swung open with a small noise. All I could think was, 'I'm going to die' over and over again and my body shivered, not wanting to stop. My heart rate increased than it already did. "Well, well, well~ what do we have here~ a little child, ehhhh~?" His voice sounded like death. He licked his bloody lips. "You'll make a nice meal~" My body shook more violently than before.

"P-Please, s-spare me..." I barely spoke a whisper. He kneed down with an amusing smirk, observed my curled up position.

"Now, why would I do that~?" He finished examining me and is now staring directly at my soul, piecing it in the progress. I didn't say anything, well, not that I could anymore. Suddenly, footsteps were heard from the corridor and so, the monster stood up to look over his shoulder. This time, a cheetah Chimera Ant passed through the door way. I held my breath again. Are they going to kill me together and devour me?

"What do you want, Cheetu?" The dog growled and this so-called-Cheetu, smiled and seemed unthreatened. When Cheetu's eyes laid his eyes on mine, I was able to breathe again. I could feel the shining hope within me. 'Please save me' was written all over my face. Then something hit it. Oh, what am I thinking, I highly doubt a Chimera Ant will save their meal. My hope darkens and soon died out.

"Hey, can I have her?" Cheetu asked with a smile while the killer dog growled at him, signally him it that I wasn't up for grabs. "Come on, you already had her parents and her sister and...Some other people and I hardly had any."

Anime One-ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora