Chapter 16

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       Mal looked at Ben as he simply slid his ring onto her finger. "I haven't been faking anything," Ben said. Mal was speechless. Would she finally figure out what love feels like?
The carriage came to a stop. Ben got out first and held his hand out for Mal. She took it with a smile and they walked up the stairs together. Ben's parents gave him some encouraging words, but Mal wasn't paying attention.
"I think I'm going to sit at the top with Evie, Jay, and Carlos," she whispered to Ben. She needed to get her head on straight and she wanted to at least say goodbye before her mother came.
        Ben figured it was just nerves and simply nodded with a smile. Mal smiled. She went inside and found Evie, Jay, and Carlos. The four sat together on the balcony. Mal sat in between Evie and Jay. They had the perfect view. Mal knew what she had to do. She had no choice.
Ben walked in. He already looked as if he was king. He passed everyone and finally to the Fairy Godmother Ben knelt down. Fairy Godmother got the crown from Beast's head and put it on Ben's. Beast lifted the jar where the wand was. Belle handed the wand to Fairy Godmother.
Mal watched, waiting for the perfect moment.
           Fairy Godmother held the wand to Ben like she was going to knight him. Mal knew this was it. She got up and ran down the stairs. Evie, Jay, and Carlos were close behind, wondering what Maleficent's daughter was going to do.
          "Do you solemnly swear to govern the people of Auradon with justice and mercy as long as you shall reign?" asked Fairy Godmother, loud enough for everyone to hear.
         "I do solemnly swear." Ben answered with a smile. Fairy Godmother lifted the wand and tapped it on each shoulder. "Then it is my honor and my joy to bless our new king-" Fairy Godmother was cut off by someone snatching the wand out of her hand.
           The audience gasped.

I updated!! I'm sure most people didn't expect this, but just you wait!! I did copy a few things that they said from the movie, so credits to them for that part. Who do you think stole the wand?

A/N: I changed some things on April 1st, 2020 💕💕

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