Chapter 9

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Mal peeked her head through the door, checking for anyone. She didn't see anyone, so she quietly ran down the hall and to the museum.
   She looked through the window and saw a guard. She quickly looked through her spell book and found a sleeping spell. She did the spell and he quickly fell asleep. "Make it easy, make it quick. Open up without a kick," she spelled the doors and they immediately opened, making her smirk.
She quickly ran over to the wand. She stood there surprised, she definitely wasn't expecting the force field to still be up. Mal thought over what she should do and decided to come back later with a better plan.
With that she ran swiftly back to her dorm and hid her spell book.
There was a knock at the door. She opened up the door to Ben and some other people.
"I thought I would introduce you to some people. Can we come in?" Ben asked. Mal was confused, but nodded anyways. She then noticed Evie, Jay, Audrey, and Carlos were there too.
Mal looked back at her room and saw she had drawings everywhere. She quickly moved them aside. Mal didn't notice as Ben grabbed the last drawing and said, "Wow. This is really good."
Mal turned to him and her face turned red. She tried to grab it, but he quickly moved away. Ben had grabbed a drawing of Mal and her mother. They were standing together with Maleficent's staff. It looked a bit off, but he couldn't figure out what it was.
   "Why don't we introduce ourselves." a golden haired boy said. Mal simply nodded, figuring she'd be doing that quite a lot. "I'll start. I'm Chad. My parents are Prince Charming and Cinderella." the golden boy said again.
Mal knew almost all the fairy tales, but she knew them through her mother's eyes.
"I'm Lonnie. My mom is Mulan," a dark haired girl stated.
"I'm Doug. My dad is Dopey," a boy with glasses said.
"I'm Jane. My mom is the Fairy Godmother." a girl with brown hair said.
Mal jerked her head at the mention of the Fairy Godmother and then looked around at the others. They were all sitting there, expectingly. "Oh. I'm Mal. My mom is Maleficent." Mal said.
"Why don't we play a game?" Audrey clapped her hands and asked. "How about Truth or Dare?" Evie suggests. Mal looked at the blue haired princess, confused. "What's that?" she asked. "You don't know what truth or dare is?" Lonnie questioned in disbelief. Mal simply shook her head.
"Then, why don't we just get to know you better, Mal?" Jay suggested. Mal shrugged and nodded.
       "What's it like on Isle of the Lost?" Carlos asked her. "Um. It's really dirty. There is a lot of running, stealing, and painting. There are little shops on the streets. Houses and castles are there. That's pretty much it." Mal told them.
   "What's your mom like?" Jane asked. "Well, uh, I mean she's evil," Mal answered, not knowing how to answer Jane's question.
"What is the nicest thing your mom has ever done for you?" Lonnie asked, interested. "She gave me a birthday gift once." Mal said. "What was it?" Audrey asked, curious. "Trash," Mal answered blankly. Everyone stared at her in horror. "I'm kidding!" Mal lied, laughing a bit.
Lying came easy for Mal. She did it all the time. It's how she survived on the Isle.
Soon they left and Mal relaxed a little. She tried to think of a plan, but she couldn't. Her brain was exhausted from the long day she had. She finally decided to just go to sleep.

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