Chapter 10

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       "Why is everyone so excited?" Mal asked as she walked up to Evie. "Because Ben's coronation is in a few days! For the first time in years we will get to see the wand out of the force field!" Evie exclaimed, obviously excited for her brother. Mal nodded, thinking for a moment. "I need to go. I'll see you later!" Mal yelled as she ran towards someone.
   "Ben!" she exclaimed as she walked the rest of the way up to him. "Hi." Ben said, surprised she was so excited to see him. "Do we all get to go to your coronation?" Mal asked the future king. "Yeah, of course" He answered with a smile.
   Mal suddenly had an idea. "Is there any way I could stand up in the front to soak up all that goodness?" Mal asked the future king. Ben's expression changed to a frown. "I'm sorry, but up there it's only my folks and my girlfriend. Evie's going to be sitting with Jay and Carlos and I'm sure they'd love for you to sit with them." Ben informed. Mal nodded, "Thanks!"
   She walked to her room quickly. She found her spell book and started looking for a certain spell. She found it and quietly went into the kitchen.
   Luckily, no one was there. Mal looked around and she had all the ingredients expect for one, a tear of sadness. I never cry. How am I suppose to get a tear of sadness? Mal wondered.
         Suddenly, the door opened to a girl with turquoise hair. "Whatcha doing?" the unusual girl asked. "Who are you?" Mal asked ignoring the question. "I'm Maddie. Is this a midnight snack?" Maddie asked. Mal didn't realize how late it was. Before Mal could have stop her, the turquoise haired girl put a finger in the bowl.
   Mal could feel her eyes turning green, but she stopped them before Maddie could see them. "They need some chocolate." Maddie told her. "And that is?" Mal sighed. "Only, the most delicious thing ever!" Maddie exclaimed.
   Way too many smiles. Mal thought. Maddie grabbed some chocolate chips and put them in the batter. "Didn't your mom used to make you cookies?" Maddie asked, confused. Mal looked at her strange. "You know, when you're sad and she makes cookies and makes you laugh." Maddie said.
   Mal looked down. "It's different where I come from. "I know. I just thought, even a villain loves their kids." Maddie explained. Mal continued, to look down.
   "I'm so sorry." Maddy apologized, putting a hand over Mal's. A tear fell down her face as Mal looked up. She quickly caught it and put it in the batter. "Yeah well goodnight! Evil dreams!" Mal exclaimed as she pushed Maddie out.
   Mal quickly stirred all the ingredients together and put them in the oven. Soon delicious cookies came out. Mal swiftly put them in a bag and ran to her dorm.

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