Chapter 2 ~Raymond~

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You see, Ella is a 14 year old girl battling with depression, and anxiety. She is also ADHD. You would think she woud have a best friend that would help her through her problems, but the only "best friend" she has is a manipulative jerk, named Cameron, which means "crooked nose" in Scottish. Honestly, I find the name quite fitting, considering she always has her nose in someone elses buisness...

"Did you hear!?" Cameron exclaimed.
"Hear what?" Ella said in return, she is to sweet to tell Cameron to jump off a bridge and head into the after life, if Cameron could hear me, thats exactly what I would tell her to do, for Ellas sake.

"Josh, and Carly broke up.." Cameron stated, with to much pride to be honest.
"So...thats not really our buisness...we should really just leave them to work it out for themselves-"
"ARE YOU KIDDING!?!? No, no way im leaving this alone, this is my chance to get with Josh!" Ella looked concerned, and she was, I could feel it. I dont blame her, Josh is the type of guy to bounce around from girl to girl, just to brag to his friends about it.
"Cameron, maybe we should just, get to know, I mean that is why we come to school.." Ella said, with a shy awkward stance, she is absolutely adorable...
"Fine, but El, when I turn 18, im ditching this place..."
"Okay Cameron, but you still have 4 more years.."
"Ugh! Don't remind me!"

See, this is the part that sucks about being a Guardian, we protect them from others, but we cant protect them from themselves. When they make a choice, us Guardians have to sit back and accept it, I hate it.

Dear GuardianTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang