Chapter 1 ~Raymond~

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Hi, I'm Raymond. I'm 16 years old, I think...
You see, I'm and angel, a guardian angel to be exact. I know, you're probably thinking "gosh, this is going to be a cliche story...". Well believe me, I wish it were. Before I got here, I was alive, I dont remember alot about my life though, just vague glimpses of the past here and there pop up in my mind. I remember dying though, the feeling of leaving my earthly was like gravity didnt exist, I was floating, empty, and then it was over.
I remember who I think was my mom, she had dark brown hair, and bright green eyes, like me. Sadly the only thing I remember of my father was a picture of him, infront f the casket at his funeral. He was in a U.S. Army uniform, and a serious gaze. He had blonde hair and brown eyes. Nothing like me.
Now, back to the angel thing, we dont have wings, and not all of us have "heavenly voices"...those are all just made up stereotypes. People often think their Guardian is a family member, but in most cases that isn't true. You see we dont pick who we get to look after, we just kind of show up, and do what we are suppose to do, guard.
If only I could've picked who I was going to guard.

Her name is Ella Rose Gardner.
I know, her name is beautiful isn't it? Well so is she.
She has dark black hair, and the brightest blue eyes you could ever imagine.
She has fair skin, dusted with freckles that remind me of the stars in the sky.
If only everyone else could see how truly amazing she is.
You see, as a Guardian, I see what she sees, I even feel what she feels.
She is often ignored, then people question why she is so quiet, and shy. She distances herself away from people, and hides away by reading, or listening to music. She even sings sometimes, though she cant see me, I wish she coud see that she brings a smile to my face.

Dear GuardianDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora