9: Accidentally You

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"Matty asked me out!"


"And what?"

"Well what did you say?" Tamara is shaking me by the shoulders, reaching across the lunch table.

"I... I left."

"You just left?" Her eyes widen.

It takes a few moments before I process my actions.

"Oh, shit," I stand up, "Tamara, I just... left!"

"Well what are you standing here blabbering at me for? Go fix this!" She gives me a little push and I speed-walk towards Matty's fourth-period class.

I have to admit, I'm proud of myself for knowing his schedule by heart. I don't think I even know my own schedule quite as well.

Okay Jenna. Just walk in there and tell the teacher, 'The principal needs to see Matty. It's urgent.' then take him to the janitor's closet and snog him until he can't breathe anymore.

My hand is on the door-knob, and I'm starting to have second thoughts about the plan. Don't stop Jenna just go through with what your heart wants. Slowly I turn the metal knob... but someone is turning it from the inside. Startled, I jump backwards. "Whoa there,"

"Jenna? What are you doing here?" Jake Rosati is standing in front of me.

"Oh n-nothing. What are you doing here?"

"This is my algebra class... and I was about to go to go to the bathroom." he states as if it's obvious.

Well, Jenna-- it is.

From inside the room, the algebra teacher calls out to Jake, "Jake I thought you were going to the bathroom. What's the hold up? Wait, who's that at the door?"

Jake takes a step out of the way so the teacher can see me. I give him a little wave. "Hi."

Jake jumps in to make an excuse, "Jenna just came to let me know that the principal wanted to see me. May I be excused from class?"

The man nods and waves us off, "Yeah yeah sure. Go run along and shut the door behind you."

What just happened?

My failed mission to retrieve Matty had just, well, failed.

Before I leave the room with Jake, I turn my head to see all the students working hard. My eyes search the crowd for one face in particular, though. Matty McKibbens. Finally I spot him, and our eyes connect for one mere second before he tears the gaze away and goes back to working on his paper.

My heart flutters and I want to stand here all day- staring at him doing his work, but Jake grabs my arm and leads me down the hallway, shutting the door behind him.

"Jenna what was that really about?"

"I wanted to talk to Matty about something." I rub my arm and shrug my shoulders, "It's no big deal." I lie.

"If there's anything serious you need to talk about, I'm always willing to listen. Probably better than Matty, even." Jake chuckles.

"That's good to hear." I nod and gulp. "So where have you been? I haven't seen you in a while and I thought you were avoiding me." We continue to walk around the hallways aimlessly, killing time.

"I was avoiding you."

"Oh." Oh.

"I thought I knew you pretty well, but after that thing you pulled with Clark... I guess not." He shrugs and smiles as if it doesn't really bother him.

"But- but you're not mad?"

"Of course I'm not mad. Why would I need to be mad?"

"You wouldn't."

"See? I know it was just a little mistake or something. Everyone has their reasons."

His fingers crawl down my arm as we walk, and he tries to inter-lock his fingers with mine.

I don't resist. We're holding hands and I feel safe- protected- warm- It feels... right.

Everything with Jake Rosati feels right. Maybe even too right.

I let go and snatch my hand back, stuffing it into my pocket. "You should get back to class. Before, you know, they find out that we weren't at the principal's office."

"You're right." he places a hand on my shoulder and for a second, I could've sworn he was going to lean in an kiss me on the lips. But instead, he hands me a slip of paper. It's an invitation. "Here's my address. Why don't you come swing by my house this weekend? I'm hosting a small little party for the football team and friends. I'll be making the food myself, so trust me, you don't want to miss this."

I nod and smile as I watch him walk off to algebra class which should be ending soon.

Matty was most likely going to be at Jake's party.

Now what am I supposed to say to him when the time comes? Do I really still want to date him? Did I ever?

Seems like I'm more poorly prepared for this than I thought.



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