7: Blazing Agony

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I thought the whole incident would blow over, you know?

Boy, I could never have been more wrong.

Stares and glares were being shot at me from all angles the next day when I was transitioning from class to class in the hallway. All I could do was keep my head low and pretend that nothing was wrong.

At lunch I purposely situated myself at a table by myself so I could eat my sandwich in peace. No one tried to join me or make fun of me and that was fine by me.

Both Matty and Jake were no where to be found today. At least, I haven't seen them around. It's very possible that they're ignoring me. That very thought slightly crushed my heart.

Even my two best friends Tamara and Ming weren't anywhere in sight. Could they really be angry with me?

"Hi Jenna."

Clark was standing right behind me and I nearly jump out of my seat when I suddenly hear his voice.

"Clark now is not the time to talk." I gave him a gentle smile and tilted my head. "I'm sorry about what happened yesterday between us."

"But I think we should talk about it now." His eyes widened.

"Clark, no."

"But I need to, you don't understand."

What I understand is that you're making me commit social suicide. As if I hadn't done that enough already...

"Clark, people are staring. Go get some lunch, okay?"

"Okay. We'll talk later then?"

"Yeah... yeah... sure thing."


I picked up my tray and took my lunch outside. After walking out the door and seeing the picnic table that I once ate at with Jake, Matty and Sadie- I... I couldn't handle being there at the moment.

So I decided to swing around to the back of the school to eat by the fence, the dump, and the drug addicts. A sat down and nestled myself in right into the corner beside the dump.

A familiar-looking boy with dirty-blonde hair walked up to me and to be honest, I was frightened.

"H-hello? Do I know you?"

"No, I don't think you do." The boy began laughing hysterically for about a minute before cooling it off.

"I'm Jenna. So do you... have a name?"

Do you have a name? That was probably the lamest sentence I've ever let flow out of my mouth.

"Unfortunately I don't have a name." He shrugged and his eyes showed sarcasm. "But I did know yours. Before you told me."

The fact that he had to lean forward to look around my huge arm-cast to make eye-contact with me was embarrassing.

"Haha, yeah, I think everyone knows me now. And not in the good kind of way."

"Hey, at least you're popular, right? So relax." His voice was so raspy, soothing, and calm.

I nodded and my smile wavered, "Alright."

"That's what I like to hear." The boy smiled back at me. "Want to take a blaze?"

Uh. Um. What?

It took me a while before realizing this guy was high. And it took me another long while before realizing that he was holding out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter for me to take.

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